
1. 由於地球自轉的緣故,有些地方的重力比較小,像是加拿大的哈德森灣 (Hudson Bay)。   2. 由於太陽光會被海洋反射,地球遠遠望去是最亮的一顆行星。 廣告1   3. 地球90%的火山在海底下。   (感謝老天!)   4. 俄羅斯的貝加爾湖 (Lake Baikal) 擁有地球

June 14, 2015

1. 由於地球自轉的緣故,有些地方的重力比較小,像是加拿大的哈德森灣 (Hudson Bay)。

Because of the Earth's rotation, some areas experience less gravity than others. One such area is Hudson Bay in Canada.


2. 由於太陽光會被海洋反射,地球遠遠望去是最亮的一顆行星。

Because sunlight reflects off of water, Earth is the brightest planet from a distance.


3. 地球90%的火山在海底下。

90% of all Earth's volcanos are underwater.


4. 俄羅斯的貝加爾湖 (Lake Baikal) 擁有地球上近1/5的淡水。

Lake Baikal in Russia has nearly 1/5 of all of the fresh water located on Earth.


5. 由於自轉力量的緣故,地球並不是一顆正圓形。

The Earth is not a perfect sphere. This is due to the force of its spin.


6. 海洋中90%的垃圾是塑膠。

90% of garbage in the ocean is plastic.


7. 臭氧層不斷在消失,2012年甚至成為近10年最稀薄的一次。

The ozone layer is shrinking and was smaller in 2012 than it had ever been in the last decade.


8. 地球最遠的照片是從59億公里遠處拍攝而成。這張照片被稱為「黯淡藍點」(The Pale Blue Dot)。

The farthest picture ever taken of Earth was from 3.7 billion miles away and it has been called The Pale Blue Dot.


9. 中國的空氣污展在外太空也看得見,澳洲大堡礁一樣看得到,但長城不行。

Air pollution in China is visible from Space, as is the Great Barrier Reef. The Great Wall, however, is not.


10. 地球只需要23小時56分鐘4秒就可以自轉一圈。這被稱為「一個恆星日」。

The Earth only takes 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4 seconds to spin on its axis. This is called a sidereal day.


11. 有3萬8千個人造物體繞著地球飛行。

There are 38,000 man-made objects orbiting the Earth.


12. …其中2萬2千個超過10公尺大。

22,000 of them are larger than 10 meters.


13. 而且每天至少有一個會掉回地球上。

And every day at least one of them comes crashing back to Earth.


14. 地球97%的水是鹽水。

97% of the water on Earth is saltwater.


15. 剩下3%的淡水中,有70%在極地結成冰塊。

70% of that remaining 3% is wrapped up in the polar icecaps.


16. 其餘的大部分在土壤中,或是人類難以汲取的深層地底中。

Most of the rest is either soil moisture or deep underground in inaccessible aquifers.


17. 1公升鹹水中包含130億分之1克的黃金。

1 liter of saltwater contains 13 billionths of a gram of gold.


18. 地球是太陽系中唯一有板塊運動的星球,透過板塊運動可讓「碳」被循環回收,如果少了這些,地球就會像金星一樣過熱。

Earth is the only planet in the solar system with plate tectonics. Without them carbon would not be recycled and the Earth would overheat, something like Venus.


19. 99%的黃金在地球核心裡。

99% of the gold on Earth lies in its core


20. 地心的溫度高達5千5百度,相當於太陽表面溫度。

At 5,500 degree, the Earth's core is the same temperature as the surface of the sun.


21. 每年有約有4000萬公噸重的沙塵被風從撒哈拉吹到亞馬遜。

Wind transports 40 million tons of dust from the Sahara to the Amazon every year.


22. 南極洲的乾燥谷 (Dry Valleys) 是地球上最乾燥的地方,已經超過200萬年沒下雨了。

Antartica's Dry Valleys is the driest place on Earth. It hasn't rained there for over 2 million years.


23. 在19公里高處會出現「阿姆斯壯極限」(Armstrong Limit) 。由於周遭壓力過低,水的沸點會降至接近人類的體溫(攝氏37度),所以超過「阿姆斯壯極限」後就必須穿上太空衣。

At 19 km (12 miles) high we encounter something known as the Armstrong Limit. This is where it becomes necessary to wear a spacesuit because due to the low pressure, water boils at body temperature.


24. 每天有860萬個雷擊。

There are 8.6 million lightning strikes everyday.


25. 我們對宇宙比對海洋和地心清楚,其實,95%的海底世界仍屬未探索。

We know more about our universe than we do about our oceans or our Earth's core. In fact, 95% of the world's oceanic territory has still not been explored.</p><br /><br /> <p>Via



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