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February 21, 2016


 dog smile bath rubber ducky


1. 如果狗狗眼神直视前方,尾巴像上扬,就表示:「嘿~我是这里的老大,你懂吧?」,这种情况常常会出现在狗狗遇到新朋友的时候,他们这么做是为了要展现自信跟宣示主权。

If a dog looks like this, looking straight ahead with its tail perked up, while encountering a new dog, (s)he is merely showing off his confidence by displaying dominance. Or, in tail talk: “Hi buddy! By the way, I’m the boss here!”


2. 如果狗狗的尾巴伸得直直的,表示他觉得受到了威胁。

If a dog’s tail juts straight out, (s)he feels threatened.


3. 如果狗狗不停的将尾巴前后摇晃,表示他想要讨好你哦~

When a dog is in this position and his or her tail is also wagging back and forth, (s)he’s just trying to impress you.


4. 如果他的四肢完全都没有使力、整个狗看起来超级放松的模样,表示他对这周围的环境一点都不感兴趣~

If none of his or her limbs are tightened and (s)he seems completely relaxed, the pup is completely unconcerned.


5. 如果他的尾巴卷起来、嘴巴张开,表示他认为周遭有不确定的威胁存在。

This body language, with his or her tail curled up and mouth open, means there’s an uncertain threat.


6. 如果狗狗的站着,头微微地往前弯,表示他在说:「我好饿~喂我吃饭!」

If your dog adopts this posture, (s)he’s saying, “Feed me!”


7. 这个有点像是蹲伏的姿势表示狗狗有些自卑,常会出现在狗狗遇到感觉比自己强的狗狗时候,这个姿势的意思就是:「你好酷~我在你旁边什么都不是…」

This position can be a bit worrisome depending on the pooch. It’s a subordinate position they take when they are around a dog of superior rank. It is the canine way of saying, “Woah, buddy. You’re cooler than me, do what you will.”


8. 除此之外,尾巴摇动的方向也大有学问哦~如果尾巴是甩向右边,表示他很开心或是很兴奋。

If a dog swings its tail to the right, (s)he's happy or excited. But there’s many other ways to translate a wag.


9. 如果狗狗的尾巴向左摆,表示他觉得有些不太对劲的地方。


If a wag shifts to the left, this signifies that there is something wrong.


10. 摆动的速度也很重要,如果狗狗的尾巴很快速的往右摆动,表示看到认识的人囉!

The speed of the wag is important to note as well. A dog’s tail will wag vigorously to the right if they see someone they know.


11. 但如果他们看到比较不熟的人,尾巴摆动的速度就会比较慢~

But if they spot someone that is unfamiliar to them, the tail will wag more slowly.



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分類:世界, 动物
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