25个惊呼「以前日子都白活了」的天才发明 可以一次拿2个的杯子太猛


February 21, 2021


1. 把内馅种类烙印在皮上的恩潘纳达 (一种拉丁美洲流行的食物)。

Empanadas that have what they're filled with stamped into the crust.


2. 能让洋芋片保持在最上方的附工具洋芋片桶。

This potato chip can that comes with a device for always keeping the chips at the top.


3. 在你系上安全带之前不让你拨音乐的车。

This car that won't let you listen to music until you've buckled your seatbelt.


4. 这个图书馆有能租借的烤蛋糕盘。

This library that has cake pans you can check out.


5. 能让餐厅服务生知道你需不需要服务的牌子。

This sign at a restaurant to let the waiter know you need service.


6. 这间服饰店有个「冬天模拟器」,能让你穿着大衣到里面试试保暖效果。

This store that has a winter simulator to help you try on coats.


7. 这台ATM提款机能让你自己决定要那些钞票。

This ATM that lets you choose which bills you want.


8. 这冰块是用咖啡做的,所以溶解后也不会让你的咖啡变淡。

Ice cubes made out of coffee so that they won't dilute your iced coffee when they melt.


9. 这间酒吧有一整条冰块,能让啤酒保鲜。

This bar that has a strip of ice to keep your beer cold.


10. 这辆计程车有一个无声的警示灯,提醒车后的驾驶如果灯亮了就帮忙报警。

This taxi that has a silent alarm flasher to alert the car behind if there's trouble.


11. 芒果标签上的黄色部分正好是最适合食用的颜色。

A sticker on a mango that lets you know when it's ripe.


12. 一间酒吧用$5折价券奖励把车停在外面,没有酒驾的车主。

A bar that rewards patrons who leave their cars parked there overnight.


13. 这个标签能让你知道你的包裹有没有被倒过来放。如果有的话顶端就会是蓝色的。

A package label that lets you know if your package has been turned upside down.


14. 这种杯子就是设计来让你一次拿两杯的。

These glasses that are designed to let you carry multiple at a time.


15. 厕所门上的这些刷毛会让缝隙完全消失,让你保有完美的隐私。

These bristles on a bathroom stall door that hide the cracks and keep you private.


16. Dairy Queen速食餐厅有儿童专用门。

This Dairy Queen that has a special door just for kids.


17. 这是个纸做的USB key。

This paper USB tab.


18. 汤匙上的横线就是它的平衡点。

This spoon that has a line where its center of gravity is.


19. 这间Whole Foods食品超级市场能让顾客边喝啤酒边逛。

This Whole Foods that lets you drink beer as you shop.


20. 架子上写:「最后还是不想要?请放在这里。」

This grocery store shelf.


21. 这间酒吧的储物柜能让你寄放手机边充电。

This bar that lets you rent a locker to store your phone while it charges.


22. 这间洗车店会显示他们正在帮你的爱车做什么。

This car wash that projects what it's currently doing to your car.


23. 这间超市提供免费的水果给小孩。

A supermarket that gives away free fruit for kids.


24. 这座楼梯有提供让你比较好把脚踏车搬下去的通道。

These stairs that have a slot to make it easier to bring your bike down.


25. 这个爆米花桶的盖子方便你加奶油后盖起来摇,还能当碗用。

And this popcorn bucket that comes with a lid you can use to shake butter all over it AND as a bowl.




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分類:美食, 世界
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