
來自佛羅里達州的喬 (Joe),前陣子發現有隻流浪貓走進家裡,吃他為家人準備好的飯菜。善良的喬看到後沒有把他趕走,而是讓似乎餓了很久的他繼續吃。   當喬靠近貓咪後,發現他的耳朵和眼睛都被結痂封閉起來。喬馬上把貓咪的情況放到臉書上,看看有沒有人知道要如何治療

March 14, 2017

來自佛羅里達州的喬 (Joe),前陣子發現有隻流浪貓走進家裡,吃他為家人準備好的飯菜。善良的喬看到後沒有把他趕走,而是讓似乎餓了很久的他繼續吃。

Joe from Royal Palm Beach, Florida noticed that a stray cat was eating from the bowl reserved for the family's feline. Rather than kick him out, Joe noticed just how hungry the cat was and let him continue eating.



Upon closer inspection, he noticed the kitty was suffering from mange on its ears and with its eyes completely shut and crusted. He took to Facebook looking for a kind soul to take the white fur ball in.


很幸運地,「動物朋友計劃」(Animal Friends Project) 的創辦人卡門 (Carmen Weinberg) 看到了發文後,翌日早上開車到他家,把貓咪送去獸醫診所。醫生發現貓咪有癩疥的問題,還有脫水跟營養不良。

Carmen Weinberg, the founder of Animal Friends Project, knew she had to help the animal. "Early the next morning, I drove to pick him up. I took him immediately to my vet, Justin Bartlett Animal Hospital, and they confirmed that he was suffering from mange, was very dehydrated and malnourished," Weinberg told Love Meow.


為貓咪治療後,他們把他命名為棉花 (Cotton)。棉花似乎已經好一陣子無法打開眼睛了,一直看不見地在城市中遊走。把癩疥除走後,他們發現棉花兩邊瞳孔顏色完全不一樣,是一隻有雙色瞳的小帥貓!

It was unclear for how long the feline now named Cotton had been wondering around the city blind.



"Cotton was very skinny but fortunately, he ate well and was in good spirits. He must have sensed we were trying to help him and he loved to be touched," Weinberg says.



Weinberg's husband Don and her kids Carlos and Elisa are experienced at caring for ill felines.



As Cotton was gaining weight and regaining his strength daily, the crust on his eyes finally came off. "We put coconut oil to soothe his skin and gave him lots of water and canned food to keep him hydrated," she says.



Carmen continues, "Cotton stayed hunched over for days and days and seemed very uncomfortable. It was hard seeing him in that condition, knowing only time would heal him."



As he gained weight, Cotton also began to grow hair. But that was not the biggest shock to his new family; "It was a nice surprise to see that he had one blue eye and one yellow eye."

來源 : Lifebuzz


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分類:世界, 動物
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