
1. 还在思考过年要换怎样的新造型吗?参考看看欧美最新流行的发色「血橙色」(blorange) 吧!   2. 在米克·杰格 (Mick Jagger) 跟瑞莉·霍尔 (Jerry Hall) 的女儿Georgia May Jagger是第一个大方炫耀这种新发色的名人,也是她取了这个名字。 廣告1   3. 你应该不难想到,

January 28, 2017

1. 还在思考过年要换怎样的新造型吗?参考看看欧美最新流行的发色「血橙色」(blorange) 吧!

It's official: 2017 is all about "blorange" hair.


2. 在米克·杰格 (Mick Jagger) 跟瑞莉·霍尔 (Jerry Hall) 的女儿Georgia May Jagger是第一个大方炫耀这种新发色的名人,也是她取了这个名字。

Georgia Jagger, the daughter of Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall, was one of the first celebrities to show it off, nicknaming it "blorange."


3. 你应该不难想到,这种发色就是从血橙得名的。


4. 不过也有人说这种颜色是从桃子言文字的颜色来的啦!

Although some people say that the inspiration for the color is the peach emoji ?...


5. 不过这种颜色看起来比桃子又更红一些。

The color is actually more like a ?peach? combined with a juicy ?strawberry?.


6. 而这种发色最棒的就是它适用于各种长度、各种造型的发型!

It's super versatile and works equally well for short hair, long hair, and hair of all textures.


7. 2017年流行的特长发也很适合这种颜色。

Plus, it looks great on extra-long cuts, another 2017 trend.


8. 如果你不想要那么高调,用棕色去做渐层也非常协调!

How about a blorange ombre?


9. 如果你想要更精细一点的感觉,甚至可以只染某几层的尾端。

Or, if you want a more subtle look, you can color just the ends and some of the layers.


10. 血橙色通常能跟其他颜色协调得很好。

Your hair should have a good balance between the two shades.


11. 因为你还可以根据自己的喜好去微调颜色!

Results vary depending on how much of each color you apply, including if you choose to add in some pink.


12. 深发色的亚洲人也不用怕头发长出来会很丑。

And, of course, if you have a darker complexion you could totally rock this look with a blorange-pink effect.


13. 而且亚洲脸孔也可以驾驭血橙色!

Really, this color works great for just about anyone.


14. 甚至会愈洗愈好看。

And the more you wash your hair, the better it will look.


15. 总之,血橙色是非常百搭,而且可以随意变化的发色!

This look has no rules.


16. 到底是红色、橘色还是粉色?全部都算进血橙色吧!

Is it orange? Red? Do I see some pink in there? Nah, all you've got to say is that it's ~blorange~.



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加入粉絲團! 欧美最新流行「血橙发色」亚洲人也能轻松驾驭。各种发色适用还会「愈洗愈美」!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友