
這位37歲的委內瑞拉的爸爸亨利( Henry Rodriguez ),是漫威漫畫《美國隊長》中的超級反派「紅骷髏」的粉絲。日前,他發費了超過120萬新台幣,做了23次的整型手術,只為了變得跟「紅骷髏」一模一樣。   紅骷髏這個角色第一次出現在1947年,是納粹德國特務,在二戰期間是

December 9, 2016

這位37歲的委內瑞拉的爸爸亨利( Henry Rodriguez ),是漫威漫畫《美國隊長》中的超級反派「紅骷髏」的粉絲。日前,他發費了超過120萬新台幣,做了23次的整型手術,只為了變得跟「紅骷髏」一模一樣。

This is the Venezuelan father who spent £30,000 transforming himself into the fictional Nazi supervillain Red Skull



Red Skull first appeared in 1947 as the Nazi agent arch-enemy of Marvel hero Captain America and most recently appeared in the 2011 film Captain America: The First Avenger, played by Hugo Weaving



Henry Rodriguez, from Caracas, has undergone multiple facial modifications over the years so that he resembles the Captain America comics character



Images show the 37-year-old's journey as he first gets his eyes tattooed black, has implants inserted into his head and then undergoes a painful operation to have part of his nose removed


跟從醫學院輟學、專門從事紋身和極端身體手術的Emilio Gonzalez會面之後,他知道這就是他變身的機會。

After meeting up with med-school dropout Emilio Gonzalez, who specialises in tattooing and extreme body surgery, Mr Damon 'knew that this was his opportunity,' a friend said



Transformation: 37-year-old Rodriguez's work took around 130 hours to complete



Before the surgery, Mr Rodriguez underwent several physical and psychological tests, according to his 'surgeon' Mr Gonzalez



Henry has had to deal with some prejudice since his modifications, but said family is the only thing that matters to him



Henry has had to deal with some prejudice since his modifications, but said family is the only thing that matters to him



Other shots show how Rodriguez interacts with his adoring three-year-old son, Aaron


「我的兒子Aarón Rodrigo現在是三歲。如果他接受我,愛我的話,我不會在乎別人說什麼。對我來說重要的是,我過得幸福快樂和接受自己。」他說。「我們永遠都會被別人批評的。」

Rodriguez said of his son: 'If he accepts me and loves me I don't care about what other people would say'

來源 : Dailymail|Lifebuzz


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