
1. 大概在兩年前,川普的第一任老婆伊凡娜將川普年輕時的照片塞進了一個手提箱後丟棄。手提箱後來被南佛羅裡達州一個舊貨店的收藏家收藏,最後由《每日郵報》收購並於9號發布,讓大家看到一系列川普的私人照片。   2. 放鬆的川普穿著浴袍躺在床上休息,當時他的頭髮不是

November 11, 2016

1. 大概在兩年前,川普的第一任老婆伊凡娜將川普年輕時的照片塞進了一個手提箱後丟棄。手提箱後來被南佛羅裡達州一個舊貨店的收藏家收藏,最後由《每日郵報》收購並於9號發布,讓大家看到一系列川普的私人照片。

A trove of Trump memorabilia, including roughly 1,000 photographs was found at a Palm Beach thrift ship


2. 放鬆的川普穿著浴袍躺在床上休息,當時他的頭髮不是金色的,而且真的有點認不出來…

Donald Trump channels Burt Reynolds - the quintessential the Cosmopolitan centerfold - as he relaxes in his robe


3. 川普第一個孩子出生時的照片,充滿愛意的表情跟現在的他有點反差!

The look of love: Donald is clearly smitten with his children, here with his first born Don Jr.


4. 川普抱著小孩在床上休息,這本小川普的出生紀念相簿的日期是1977年12月31。

Nap time for family man Donald and his namesake. Among the memorabilia is Don Jr.'s baby album dated Dec. 31, 1977


5. 爸爸川普看起來有點困,但寶寶看起來很清醒。

Oh baby! Papa Trump looks a little sleepy but baby Don Jr. looks wide awake


6. 好爸爸的模樣,真令人驚訝!

Trump looks like he was made for fatherhood


7. 除了親人外,這可能是其他人第一次看到他穿非西裝的衣服!跟現在的形象差太遠了!


8. 誰說川普從未換過尿布?原來他真的有盡作為爸爸的責任。

Did Donald once say he never changed diapers? Then we caught him in a fib. Donald does his fatherly duty 


9. 這批照片大約有1000張川普和家人的紀錄。

The  treasure trove of Trump memorabilia, including roughly 1,000 photographs of Republican presidential candidate, his family and friends found its way into a thrift shop and then to a collector


10. 在很多照片裡都可以看到她作為主角的,川普的心肝寶貝長女伊凡卡。

Who's the birthday girl? Trump poses with the apple of his eye, Ivanka, the star in many of the family photos


11. 川普跟女兒和兒子參加生日派對。

Donald with Ivanka and Don Jr. at another birthday party. It was clear from the photos that the hoopla was all about the kids at such celebrations - no dog and pony shows - well not real ponies that is


12. 川普握著兒子的手,盡顯父愛。

Trump holds little Eric's hand. From all the photos Donald shows himself to be a loving and attentive father


13. 1989年伊凡娜她跟川普來到佛州這座海灘度假,這是他1985年買下的資產。

Stunning Ivana was a model and the unearthed photos include many of her modeling cards. Among the more esoteric items is a 1989 summer cleaning schedule for Mar-a-Lago, the lavish Palm Beach, Florida, estate Trump has owned since 1985


14. 川普享受他價值2.5億美元(~7.8億新台幣)的棕櫚海灘和上面的度假別墅。


15. 雖然穿著這個鴨子裝的不是川普,但伊凡娜就曾邀請唐老鴨陪伴三個孩子們開派對!這組照片裡也有很多川普家人的回憶。

The kids and Ivanka have a visitor: It's Donald all right -  but this is Donald Duck ( and no, it's not Trump in the costume)


16. 維持了14年婚姻的川普和伊凡娜,他們溫柔的看著長女伊凡卡切蛋糕。

Ivanka cuts the cake at her birthday celebration. Chocolate with strawberries. Yum!


17. 伊凡卡的繪畫!爸爸川普是白馬王子,媽媽伊凡娜是公主,在女兒的心目中這個家庭非常幸福快樂。

Ivanka's drawing for her parents: Donald as Prince Charming - and her mother Ivana as his princess


18. 川普和已於2000年8月時過世媽媽瑪麗川普在聖誕節時廚房中的合照。

Someone's in the kitchen with mama. It's Donald with his mother Mary Trump hanging at Christmastime. Mary passed away in August 2000


19. 川普和影響他在房地產投資的重要人物-爸爸弗雷德川普跟伊凡娜的照片。

Ivana and Donald with his father Fred Trump. Trump was strongly influenced by his father in deciding to forge a career in real estate development


20. 正在享受萬聖節的川普的兒女,現在他們都是川普集團下的副總裁。

Trick or treats for GI Joe Don Jr., ballerina Ivanka and toy soldier Eric


21. 三個孩子的關係非常好。

 Ivanka showing some love for her little brother Eric, who is three years younger


22. 關係很好的他們小時候會一起洗澡。

 Don Jr. and Ivanka at bathtime


23. 川普很喜歡滑雪,圖中可見川普和伊凡娜跟還是很小的伊凡卡。

Skiing was a big part of the families acclivities. Donald and Ivana show off little Ivanka, clearly too young to take to the slopes


24. 大家都有所不知,其實川普是個滑雪高手。



25. 盛裝打扮的伊凡卡被父母抱在懷中參加派對。

Apple of their eye: Dressed up Ivanka poses with her parents at a party


26. 川普的前妻在佛羅里達州的海灘。


27. 在這些照片中,有一張沒有標明的黑白照片。但根據猜測,應該是小時候的川普。




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加入粉絲團! 27張川普前妻丟棄的「超私密顧家的好爸爸」照片,「就是這人性的一面」令他當選!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友