
1. 住在加州的廚師David Viens殺了他結婚14年的老婆Dawn,還把她的肉在店裡賣了4天。   David說他在老婆跟他吵架後用透明膠帶把老婆的手腳綁住、嘴巴也封住,好讓他能睡覺,醒來後卻發現老婆死了。之後他跳下一座24公尺高的懸崖,獲救後才坦承自己殺了老婆並販賣她的肉

September 8, 2016

1. 住在加州的廚師David Viens殺了他結婚14年的老婆Dawn,還把她的肉在店裡賣了4天。

Familiar with stories of people cooking up dead bodies? Disgusting, right?  Chef David Viens of the Thyme Contemporary Café in Lomita, CA, reportedly killed his wife, Dawn, of 14 years, something he claimed to have been an accident. He later told police he stewed her body for four days in his restaurant.  According to Viens, he used clear masking tape to bound her hands, feet, and cover her mouth so that he could get some sleep. The two had been fighting. He later discovered that she was dead. He made this confession after jumping off an 80-foot cliff, which some say caused him to be in an unstable state of mind.  Those who worked alongside him at the restaurant say that this story was impossible as they would have noticed such a large pot in the kitchen. In the end, the judge sentenced him to 15 years to life after the jury found him guilty of second-degree murder.  Dawn's body has never been found.


2. 這張照片被收錄在日本的靈異節目中,照片中女生的頭彎成不自然的角度。

This photo was taken during a taping of a Japanese psychic TV show. The girl's head is at an impossible angle, but don't worry. This one is also edited.


3. 據傳警方在1960年代晚期曾在愛荷華州教區找到27具棄屍,詭異的是他們完全找不到兇手或犯案動機…

There's a common belief that the weirdest things tend to happen in the middle of nowhere. This story says that 27 dead bodies were discovered in rural Iowa in the late 1960s. Police could not find any motive or killer. We could not find any major news sources on this story so it is probably just legend.


4. 有名的庫柏家族照片。祖母、媽媽跟兩個兒子合照,卻拍到不屬於這世上的東西。這張照片目前完全找不到任何沒有黑影的版本,但很多人相信這張照片是經過後製的。

The Cooper family, grandmother, mother, and two sons, posed for this photo only to find out later that someone else, a ghost, was in that room that day. Although the original photo cannot be sourced at this time, it is believed to have been digitally altered.


5. 這張照片以「萬聖節到了,巴克禮家的孩子想做些布置,於是將母親斬首」,不過大家應該猜到了…這完全是張後製過的照片。是萬聖節藝術家Edward Allen的作品。

This photo circulated the web along with the caption, "It was Halloween and the Buckley children wanted to make some decorations so they decapitated their mother."  The truth is, fortunately, much less interesting. This photo is an edited version of the original, which featured the children with their mother, well and alive.  Halloween artist Edward Allen was responsible for the transformation and did a fantastic job spooking people out. He calls his version 'Midwestern Matricide.'


6. 這張照片也嚇尿了很多人,有個版本傳說這位在錫安山醫學中心住院的病人在殺害兩名故事後逃離醫院,另一個版本則說這名病人突然出現,還有像鯊魚一般的尖牙。

Another creepy sight for many of us is that of a patient in a white gown. Well, one legend describes a patient at Cedar Senai Hospital killing two nurses before escaping from the center. Other versions say that she appeared out of nowhere and had teeth that looked like 'long, sharp spikes.' Don't worry, this one is also just fantasy.


7. 根據這則都市傳說,這名俄國人喝得醉醺醺後誤入森林,最後他被發現皮被剝開並用細膩但病態的方式展示。

According to legend, a Russian man stumbled into the woods after several drinks. He was later found with his skin shaved and hung in a sick but carefully placed manner that no animal could have done.


8. 裂嘴女是日本有名的都市傳說。她有好幾個傳說的起源,其一是她因為對丈夫不貞,丈夫就把她的嘴巴剪開並說「看誰還會覺得你美?」但也有人說她有精神病,是自己把嘴切開的。在最古老的傳說中,她會戴著面具問碰到她的人說「你覺得我美嗎?」接著她會在拿下面具問一次,但不幸的是不管你是肯定或否定,最後都會被她殺死。

Kuchisake-onna, or Slit-Mouthed Woman, is Japanese urban legend with many versions. The common denominator is that each story features a woman with a mutilated face, slit from ear to ear, that haunts the public.  A common version says that her husband found out about her infidelity and slit her mouth asking 'Who will find you beautiful now?' Others say that the wound was self-inflicted or that she was from a mental asylum.  According to the original legend, the woman was believed to have approached her victims with a mask asking, 'Do you think I'm pretty?' She then removes the mask and asks them again, but unfortunately a 'Yes' or 'No' would end in their death.  The modern urban legend has the woman wearing a surgical mask. She asks the same question. If you say no the first time, the victim will be killed with scissors. If you say yes, she'll reveal her face and ask again. If you say no this time, she'll cut you in half. If you say yes, she'll make your face look just like hers.  This urban legend made some people so fearful that they would prepare ambiguous answers, among other 'solutions,' to avoid such a grisly fate.


9. 你能想像一個臉色慘白、雙眼只剩黑洞的小女孩接近你家或車子問路是件多可怕的事嗎?德州記者Brian Bethel就記錄了數次他在德州和奧瑞岡被像這樣的小孩問路的狀況。

Can you imagine children with pale skin and black eyes, completely black without a hint of color, approaching your house or car for help? It's a chilling thought, isn't it? Brian Bethel, a reporter from Texas, wrote of a few accounts in which he was approached by children of this description in both Texas and Oregon.


10. 在2011年,西約克夏的Michelina Lewandowska被她的男友Marcin Kasprzak電擊後直接裝進箱子活埋。幸好她因為用婚戒切開膠帶而成功逃脫,而Marcin Kasprzak則被判20年徒刑。

To be buried alive, what a dreadful thought! In 2011, this fear became reality for Michelina Lewandowska of West Yorkshire when her boyfriend, Marcin Kasprzak, tasered and later buried her in a box. Lewandowska was able to escape by cutting the tape with her engagement ring, and Kasprzak was sentenced to 20 years for attempted murder.


11. 在1940年代,有一名被稱做「幻影殺手」(Phantom Killer) 的殺人狂犯下多起謀殺。這系列謀殺案又被稱做特克薩卡納月光謀殺 (Texarkana Moonlight Murders),兇手第一次就瞄準年輕情侶下手,雖然第一對受害者幸運逃脫,但後來又有5對遇害,他每次都隔3週再犯,而且這名殺手從未被逮捕。

Ever heard the story of a serial killer, the Hook Man for example, targeting young couples? Well, it turns out that this story is true, sans hook, and is often referred to as the Texarkana Moonlight Murders.  Nicknamed the 'Phantom Killer,' this serial killer looked to a couple of teens as his first target. Although they were able to make it out alive, five others later died. Each attack was committed about three weeks apart. He has never been caught but some crime writers believe they know who did it.


12. 在二手店買來的地毯攤開後有屍體聽起來只是都市傳說,但在1984年,3名哥倫比亞大學的學生在學校附近的地攤買了地毯,回家攤開後發現裡面有個年輕男性的屍體。《紐約時報》甚至報導了這起事件。

There's a few different stories out there about people purchasing rugs from thrift stores only to find a dead body as they unrolled it in their home. Unfortunately, this story isn't just some sort of urban legend.  In 1984, three Columbia University students stopped by to pick up some rolled-up carpet on a sidewalk near campus. They later discovered a corpse of a young man inside, says The New York Times.


13. 這也是個流傳很久的都市傳說。有一個小女孩知道當地有一個連續殺人魔,所以她有記得睡前把門跟窗戶都鎖上。她躺到床上時聽到奇怪的滴水聲,但她害怕到不敢去看,於是把手伸到床下。愛犬舔了舔她讓她放心不少。隔天她起床後才看到原來滴水聲是血滴下來的聲音,還有一行血字寫著「人類也會舔」。

Did you frequently check under the bed for monsters and murderers? Well, you had good reason.  There's one urban legend called 'The Licked Hand' or 'The Doggy Lick' in which a young girl learns that a serial killer is on the loose. She takes all the necessary precautions, including locking all her doors and windows.  While in bed, she hears a strange dripping noise but is too scared to check. She reaches under the bed and feels her dog licking her hands, which gives her a sense of comfort. The next morning, she goes to the bathroom and sees a bloody message that reads, 'Humans can lick too.'


14. Charlie Noonan是一名業餘但熱情的民俗學者。最後一次有人看到他是他跟妻子Ellie說他要去奧克拉荷馬州拜訪一位住在偏遠農場的老婦人。之後一名典當業者聯絡Ellie說Charlie的相機在他那裡。Ellie取回底片後發現裡面只有一張照片。而且雖然Charlie有寫日記的習慣,卻完全沒有寫到相關的事。

Charlie Noonan was an amateur but ambitious folklorist. The last anyone's heard from him was when he told his wife, Ellie, that he was headed to Oklahoma to see about a mysterious old woman living on a remote farm there.  A pawnbroker later contacted Ellie, saying that he had her husband's camera in his possession. When she developed the roll, this was the only photo. The photo is without context, despite Noonan having kept a journal.




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