
1. 雪梨Dee Why海灘出現的蛋形海藻。   2. 竟然有人撿到大量巨牙鯊的牙齒化石?!   真的假的啊… 廣告1   3. 這隻C-3PO拿著所有在海灘找到的戒指。   4. 大量被遺落的玩具鏟子和一頂帽子跟飛盤。 廣告2   5. 科西嘉島的石臉冥想中。 廣告3   6. 泰奧楊森的仿生獸

April 5, 2016

1. 雪梨Dee Why海灘出現的蛋形海藻。

Egg shaped seaweed appeared on Sydney's Dee Why Beach in Australia.


2. 竟然有人撿到大量巨牙鯊的牙齒化石?!

Megalodon paradise!


3. 這隻C-3PO拿著所有在海灘找到的戒指。

A mini C-3PO holding all the wedding bands found on the beach.


4. 大量被遺落的玩具鏟子和一頂帽子跟飛盤。

Someone found lots of shovels and a cool baseball cap.


5. 科西嘉島的石臉冥想中。

A stone face finds itself in Corsica.


6. 泰奧楊森的仿生獸停在海灘上。

One of Theo Jansen's sculpture made its home in the sand.


7. 有人在克羅埃西亞Banje海灘留下韓文訊息。

An unknown message found in Banje beach, Croatia.


8. 一對英國情侶發現了一個價值710美元 (23300台幣) 的24克拉金塊。結果這是德國藝術家Michael Sailstorfer的藝術計畫之一,他總共藏了30個金塊。

A couple from Kent, England dug up a 24-carat gold bar worth £500 on the beach. German artist Michael Sailstorfer hid 30 bars as part of a project.


9. 卡在阿拉斯加海灘的車。

A car stuck in Alaska.


10. 海灘撿到的玻璃。

Beautiful beach glass.


11. 鎖和破碎的鐵鍊。

A lock and a broken chain.


12. 在佛羅里達North Captiva島上找到的太陽眼鏡跟長在上面的藤壺。

Shell shades in North Captiva Island, Florida.


13. 22.5克拉的哥倫比亞綠寶石跟金戒指,它來自一艘1715年的西班牙船艦。

A 22.5-carat gold ring with Colombian emeralds from a 1715 Spanish fleet.


14. 寶藏獵人在麻州海灘找到的二戰時軍牌。這個軍牌屬於效力於空軍的William Benn下士。

Treasure hunters found a WWII military dog tag on a Massachusetts' beach. The tag belonged to Cpl. William Benn; he served in the Air Force.


15. 被放在水桶裡的蛇。

A snake kept in a bucket for safety.


16. 在佛羅里達的維羅海灘找到的綠寶石。

A piece of emerald found in Vero Beach, Florida.


17. 一系列魚餌。

Someone has a collection of fishing lures.


18. 蓋亞那喬治敦海灘上撿到的佛像。

A statue on its lion in Georgetown, Guyana.


19. 大量的木頭被沖上英國薩塞克斯的Worthing海灘。

Tons of timber washed on to the shore of Worthing Beach, Sussex in the United Kingdom.


20. 阿根廷海灘的神秘蛋形物體

Giant gastropod egg capsules seem to have swam to Mar de Plata, Argentina.


21. 有人把假牙掉在海灘了。

Someone lost their teeth on the beach.


22. 貨櫃被沖上紐西蘭陶朗加的海灘。

Containers washed onto the beach in Tauranga, New Zealand.


23. 玩具小車車。

An old but still colorful toy truck.


24. 《海底總動員》。

Squirt from Finding Nemo.


25. Ken Wilman跟他的狗狗找到一大塊龍涎香,也就是抹香鯨的排泄物。

Ken Wilman along with his dog found a large piece of whale vomit in North Wales. Ambergris is a product used in high-end perfumes.


26. 海玻璃、陶瓷跟鑰匙。

Sea glass, key, and bits of pottery made their way onto a rock.


27. 退休的Brian Murray在愛爾蘭Murlough海灘撿到兩個4-5世紀的羅馬金戒指。

Retiree Brian Murray discovered in Murlogh beach, Ireland, Roman gold rings dating back to the 4th or 5th century.


28. 有人用海邊撿到的東西排成國旗。

A patriotic message from the sea.


29. 有人在格雷厄姆島找到日本海嘯過後漂流6400多公里的機車。

A motorcycle lost in a tsunami in Japan appeared 4,000 miles away on Graham Island, British Columbia.


30. 沙烏地阿拉伯朱拜勒的燈泡。

A little lightbulb went off in Jubail, Saudi Arabia.




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