
(非趣味) 2013年12月7日,聖誕節腳步將近,購物中心紛紛推出折扣優待,趁節慶吸引逛街人潮。中國蘇州的大型百貨公司「金鷹購物中心」卻傳出驚悚命案。根據目擊證人於微博發文表示,38歲蕭姓男子當時陪女友逛街長達5小時,手上大包小包已經快拿不動,女友仍堅持要逛下一

March 5, 2016

(非趣味) 2013年12月7日,聖誕節腳步將近,購物中心紛紛推出折扣優待,趁節慶吸引逛街人潮。中國蘇州的大型百貨公司「金鷹購物中心」卻傳出驚悚命案。根據目擊證人於微博發文表示,38歲蕭姓男子當時陪女友逛街長達5小時,手上大包小包已經快拿不動,女友仍堅持要逛下一家鞋店。

NY Daily News



Enraged Chinese boyfriend Tao Hsiao, 38, jumped to his death after a furious row with his girlfriend, 23, after she insisted on going into yet another clothes shop. According to CCTV images the pair had already been at the shopping mall in the city of Xuzhou in Jiangsu province in the east of China for five hours when Tao had said he had finally had enough, and demanded to go home. He complained that they already had more bags than he and his girlfriend could carry, but she insisted on going into one more shop where the was a special offer on shoes. An eyewitness said: "He told her she already had enough shoes, more shoes that she could wear in a lifetime, and it was pointless buying any more. She started shouting at him accusing him of being a skinflint and of spoiling Christmas, it was a really heated argument." The shouting match ended when the man chucked the bags on the floor and jumped over the balcony, smashing into Christmas decorations on his way down before hitting the floor seven stories below causing shocked shoppers to flee in panic. Emergency services were quickly on the scene but was too late to rescue the man who was killed instantly. A shopping spokesman said: "His body was removed fairly quickly. He actually landed on one of the stalls below and then fell to the floor so although the store was damaged it meant he didn't hit anybody. This is a tragic incident, but this time of year can be very stressful for many people."
Daily Mail



NY Daily News

來源:NY Daily News

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