
1. 跑步是一種高強度的運動,會對關節和韌帶造成很大的傷害。尤其是軟骨就像青春小鳥一樣一去不復返。   2. 在人行道和柏油路這種堅硬的地面上跑步,每踏出一步你的關節都必須承受強烈的衝擊進而造成傷害。 廣告1   3. 其他能夠快速消耗卡路里又不會傷害關節的運動有游

February 23, 2016

1. 跑步是一種高強度的運動,會對關節和韌帶造成很大的傷害。尤其是軟骨就像青春小鳥一樣一去不復返。

Running is a high-impact exercise that can do a number on your joints and ligaments. Once you wear that cartilage away, you can't get it back.


2. 在人行道和柏油路這種堅硬的地面上跑步,每踏出一步你的關節都必須承受強烈的衝擊進而造成傷害。

If you run on sidewalks and roads, you are putting yourself at risk for joint damage because of the hard landing your body has to endure with every step.


3. 其他能夠快速消耗卡路里又不會傷害關節的運動有游泳和划船,甚至連重訓能消耗的卡路里都比慢跑來的多。

Other forms of exercise are far more effective than running in terms of burning calories and boosting your heart rate, and they don't kill your joints. Swimming, rowing, and even weightlifting can burn more calories than jogging.


4. 就算不跑步還是能夠靠其他類型的運動消耗卡路里,而且那些運動還能夠幫你塑造肌肉。

You can burn more calories in a shorter amount of time with those other forms of exercise. Plus, they'll help you build muscle.



5. 如果你是把慢跑當成有氧運動來做,你所得到的傷害更是遠大於得到的好處。重度跑步人士身上常出現罹患動脈班塊積聚及心臟發炎的症狀。

If you are running for cardiovascular exercise, you could be doing more harm than good. People who are hardcore runners have been known to suffer from arterial plaque buildup and inflammation of the heart.


6. 因為跑步對身體所產生的壓力比你想像的還大,而且有天也真的會將你消耗殆盡,到時你的肌肉就無法好好的癒合了。

Because of all the stress you put on your body while running, it really wears you out. If you do this every day, your muscles won't heal properly.


7. 在大熱天下跑步時你可能會想將上衣脫掉,但是長時間在大太陽下跑步也會增加罹患皮膚癌的機率,所以別忘了擦上防曬油!

If you run outdoors, it can get pretty hot. It might make you want to take your shirt off. Well, running for long periods of time in the hot sun increases your risk of getting skin cancer, so be sure to put some sunblock on when you're out there.


8. 而且其實快走能夠消耗的卡路里以及瘦身的效果跟跑步也差不了多少。

Taking a brisk walk can be just as effective when it comes to burning calories and losing fat.


9. 你每跑一步椎骨就會被擠壓一次,持續一段時間後會造成很大的不適感。

Your vertebrae get jammed together with every running step you take, and that can cause a lot of discomfort down the line.


10. 研究指出,每天都跑好幾公里的人的壽命長度跟完全不跑步的人其實一樣,因為心臟功能因為跑步對身體造成的過大壓力而受到影響了。

One study found that people who run every day for many miles have the same life expectancy as those who don't jog at all. This is because the heart is compromised by the large amount of stress that running puts on the body.


11. 如果你是為了身材才運動,可以觀察一下長距離跑步選手的體型,再跟體操選手的做比較,如果你喜歡的是健美型的身材,可以嘗試作體操、瑜珈、重訓、格鬥或其他類似的運動。跑步是沒辦法幫助你達到健美身材的。

Take a look at long distance runners' bodies and then take a look at the bodies of gymnasts. If you're more into the sculpted look, try gymnastics, yoga, weightlifting, CrossFit, MMA, and exercises like that. Running alone will not get you there.

來源:Viral Nova


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