

February 22, 2016




1. 來自英國的Cathelijne Geuze包包裡裝著自己穿的舒適衣物、相機、iPhone、水瓶以及她的阿姨親自織給寶寶的毛毯。 

Cathelijne Geuze from the United Kingdom filled her bag with comfortable clothes for herself, a camera, iPhone, and a water bottle to stay hydrated. She also brought a blanket her aunt knitted for her baby.


2. 來自日本的石川貴子帶了很多在醫院時需要填寫的表單、寶寶的衣服、衛生棉以及衛生紙。

Takako Ishikawa from Japan has a lot of paperwork to do with consent and registration forms needing to be ready to hand in at the hospital. Ishikawa also brought newborn clothes, sanitary pads, and tissue paper.


3. 來自衣索比亞的Mestawet Legesse帶了能將寶寶包住的布巾、衛生棉、內衣褲以及能夠幫助催產的橘子汽水。 

Mestawet Legesse from Ethiopia has a towel to wrap the baby in as well as sanitary napkins, underwear, and orange pop to help induce labor.


4. 來自尼加拉瓜的Chadla Suyhidy Morales Benjamio帶了床單、毛巾、生產時穿的毛衣。這位准媽媽還另外準備了棉花棒以及髮圈。

Chadla Suyhidy Morales Benjamio from Nicaragua has sheets, one towel, and a sweater for the birth. The mom-to-be also came ready with cotton to cover her ears and a hair tie.


5. 來自烏干達的Kemisa Hidaya準備了尼龍材質的床單、雷射刀、 清潔用的棉花以及產後清潔需要的肥皂。她也帶了寶寶要穿的衣服以及因為預算不足才從原本的10雙減為2雙的手套。

Kemisa Hidaya from Uganda has a nylon sheet ready for the birth, razor blades, cotton rolls for cleaning, disinfectant, and soap to clean the room after the birth. Hidaya also has the baby clothes on hand and only brought two pairs of gloves out of the required 10 due to budget restraint.


6. 來自尚比亞的Merina Milimo帶了包裹式嬰兒背巾、嬰兒服以及棉花。另外還帶了用來夾起臍帶的夾子以及桶子。

Merina Milimo from Zambia has wraps, cotton wool, and baby clothes. She also has the peg to clip the umbilical cord and a bucket ready.


7. 來自美國的Tiff Rolf帶了居家脫鞋、睡衣跟她的生產計畫表。另外還帶了能夠促進乳汁分泌的茶跟一堆零食。

Tiff Rolf from the United States has comfy slippers, pajamas, and her birth plan with her. She also has tea ready to encourage milk production and plenty of snacks.


8. 來自馬達加斯加的Marie Lucette帶了棉質的嬰兒服、床單、湯匙及煮鍋。另外她的家人還幫她帶了一隻要用來做成湯的雞。 

Marie Lucette from Madagascar brought gauze, cotton baby clothes, and a sheet. Plates, spoons, cooking pot, and a chicken to cook for soup are also items the family brought.

來源:Life Buzz


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