
1. 當你問你媽媽跟朋友出去玩能不能過夜你媽回「先讓我跟他們父母親講一下」時… Twitter: @london_thomas   2. 爸媽每次都抱怨你為什麼都不出門,可是每當你問能不能出去時,他們卻回「不行!」時: Twitter: @Zendaya 廣告1   3. 晚上偷用手機聽到門外有聲音時:

February 13, 2016

1. 當你問你媽媽跟朋友出去玩能不能過夜你媽回「先讓我跟他們父母親講一下」時…

When you ask to stay over somewhere but your mum's like "let me talk to their parents".


2. 爸媽每次都抱怨你為什麼都不出門,可是每當你問能不能出去時,他們卻回「不行!」時:

When your parents complain about you being home all the time, but then you ask to go out and they say no.


3. 晚上偷用手機聽到門外有聲音時:

When you're on your phone past your bedtime and hear your door click.


4. 當你想跟他們說一件好笑的事情卻變成被他們說教時: 

When you try to tell a funny story but then it turns into a lecture.
Nickelodeon / Via Twitter: @HashtagMaKenzie


5. 當一起在看電視然後出現了一些兒童不宜的畫面時:

When anything remotely sexual comes on TV.
Paramount Pictures / Via Twitter: @Xanxus96


6. 當你媽不讓你出去玩可是你朋有卻硬要你「再問一次看看」時:

When you've been told you can't go out and your friend's like, "Ask her again."


7. 再度被拒絕後你朋友又說「問她為什麼不讓你出來?」時的超WTF表情:

And then when you get told no again they're like, "Ask her why."


8. 當你另一半問說能不能見你父母時…

When your S.O. talks about meeting your parents.


9. 當你忘了看時間然後發現以超過門禁時間時…

When you forget the time and realise you're supposed to be home already.


10. 你的朋友都在外面玩可是你卻卡在家裡時:

When all your friends are out having fun and you're stuck inside.
Nickelodeon / Via Twitter: @meanpIastic


11. 每當你問說能不能去朋友家過夜時…

Whenever you ask to sleep over anywhere.


12. 每當你拿起手機爸媽就會問「你在跟誰傳簡訊?」時:

When your parents ask who you're texting every time you have your phone in your hand.
Twitter: @Lizzy_Mahonex


13. 當你朋友說「偷偷溜出來啊!」時:

When your friend tells you to "just sneak out".


14. 當你的老師想聯絡一下你父母時:

When your teacher calls your parents.


15. 每當你一走進家門你爸媽就開始叫你寫功課時:

When you get home from school and your parents immediately start shouting at you about homework.
Twitter: @theloserdownth1


16. 當你早上7點被挖起來拉去辦一些你完全沒聽過的事時:

When you get woken up at 7am for an appointment you didn't even know about.


17. 當你朋友的爸媽允許他們跟他們的另一半過夜時:

When your friend's allowed to have a sleepover with their S.O.


18. 有的時候你會直接拒絕你的朋友,因為你已經猜到你父母絕對不會答應。

When your friends ask if you can go out but you say no without even asking because you already know the answer.
Deedle-Dee Productions / Via Twitter: @kaalikt


19. 每次一到哪裡都要馬上跟父母報備的無奈:

When you have to text your parents as soon as you arrive anywhere.
Twitter: @JafarHajjar


20. 當你朋友問說「為什麼不能直接騙一下你爸媽呢?」時:

When your friend's like, "Why can't you just lie to them?"
Bunim/Murray Productions / Via Twitter: @Sarahelkhalil


21. 當你問你爸媽能不能做些什麼,他們突然答應時:

When you ask for permission to do something and your parents actually let you.
Nickelodeon / Via Twitter: @TotaIIy90s
「啊… 現在怎麼辦?我從沒想到我會走到這一步…」


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