
1. 強尼戴普 (Johny Depp) 跟薇諾娜瑞德 (Winona Ryder) 在拍攝《剪刀手愛德華》時兩人墜入情網,強尼戴普甚至還在身上刺了「Winona Forever (永遠的薇諾娜)」,可惜這段戀情最後仍在1993年劃下句點。   2. E.T. 正在享受史蒂芬史匹伯 (Steven Spielberg) 幫他洗澡。 廣

May 2, 2016

1. 強尼戴普 (Johny Depp) 跟薇諾娜瑞德 (Winona Ryder) 在拍攝《剪刀手愛德華》時兩人墜入情網,強尼戴普甚至還在身上刺了「Winona Forever (永遠的薇諾娜)」,可惜這段戀情最後仍在1993年劃下句點。

Johny Depp and co-star Winona Ryder during filming of the dark romance, Edward Scissorhands.


2. E.T. 正在享受史蒂芬史匹伯 (Steven Spielberg) 幫他洗澡。

E.T. the Extra-Terrestial getting a much deserved bath from director Steven Spielberg.


3. 英國演員伯瑞斯卡蘿 (Boris Karloff ) 以科學怪人的模樣跟扮演博士的柯林克里夫 (Colin Clive) 喝茶。

British actor Boris Karloff who played the monster having a cup of tea with actor Colin Clive who portrayed Dr. Frankenstein.


4. 阿莫瑞什普瑞 (Amrish Puri) 跟《法櫃奇兵》導演喬治盧卡斯 (George Lucas) 閒聊。

Actor Amrish Puri hanging out with Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom director, George Lucas.


5. 約翰羅森葛蘭特 (John Rosengrant) 在《侏羅紀公園3》中飾演其中一隻迅猛龍。

John Rosengrant is the man behind one of the ferocious raptors in Jurassic Park III.


6.《300壯士》傑瑞巴德勒 (Gerard Butler) 跟導演 (Zack Snyder) 討論劇本。

Gerard Butler discussing a scene with director Zack Snyder for the film 300.


7. 理查艾德隆 (Richard Edlund) 正在為《星際大戰》相當著名的開場字幕做設定。



8. 嘉莉費雪 (Carrie Fisher) 跟比德梅修 (Peter Mayhew) 在《星際大戰》中溫馨的模樣。

Carrie Fisher and Peter Mayhew getting cozy with each other in Star Wars.



Setting-up the chase scene in Return of the Jedi.


10. 史蒂芬史匹伯 (Steven Spielberg) 正在研究《法櫃奇兵》的小小佈景。

Steven Spielberg studying the scene of Tanis Digs before rolling for Raiders of the Lost Ark.


11. 伊旺麥奎格 (Ewan McGregor) 跟海登克里斯坦森 (Hayden Christensen) 用光劍練習的模樣。

Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen practicing their Jedi moves with their light sabers.


12. 李奧納多迪卡皮歐 (Leonardo DiCaprio) 為了《神鬼獵人》而化上恐怖的撕裂傷妝。

Leonardo DiCaprio getting his wounds applied for the Oscar nominated film, The Revenant.


13. 麥可坎邦 (Michael Gambon) 跟丹尼爾雷德克里夫 (Daniel Radcliffe) 在《哈利波特:死神的聖物》中拍攝風中場景的模樣。

Michael Gambon aka Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore and Daniel Radcliffe as the title character, stand together for a windy scene in Harry Potter and the Deathly Gallows.


14. 《猩球崛起》背後猩猩真正“崛起”的模樣。

The break-out scene from Rise of the Planet of the Apes.


15. 恐怖電影《鬼店》中雪莉杜娃 (Shelly Duval) 拿著球棒跟傑克尼克森 (Jack Nicholson) 對峙的這一幕。

The bat scene between Shelly Duval and Jack Nicholson in the psychological horror movie, The Shining.


16. 在《超人再起》中布蘭登勞斯 (Brandon Routh) 靠近孤獨堡壘時的拍攝現場。

Brandon Routh gets close to the Fortress of Solitude in Superman Returns.


17. 布蘭登勞斯在《超人再起》中的帥氣飛翔姿勢其實是靠所有工作人員幫忙吹風~

Brandon Routh is hanging off wires for his flying scenes in Superman Returns.


18. 勞勃狄尼洛 (Robert DeNiro) 跟導演法蘭西斯柯波拉 (Francis Ford Coppola) 在拍攝《教父2》時談笑風生的模樣。

Actor Robert DeNiro and director Francis Ford Coppola share a light moment on the set of The Godfather: Part II.


19. 電影中金剛緊緊握住女主角娜歐米華茲 (Naomi Watts) 的那雙手其實是綠色枕頭。  

The green pillows are meant to be the giant ape's hand holding Aussie actress Naomi Watts in King Kong.


20. 法蘭西斯柯波拉 (Francis Ford Coppola) 跟年輕的麥特狄倫 (Matt Dillon)、克里斯托弗湯瑪士 (C. Thomas Howell) 和雷夫馬奇歐(Ralph Macchio) 討論劇本的模樣。

Francis Ford Coppola having a discussion with young actors Matt Dillon, C.Thomas Howell, and Ralph Machhio.


21. 克斯賓葛洛佛(Crispin Glover) 在開拍的前一分鐘接受提姆波頓 (Tim Burton) 的指導。

Crispin Glover aka Knave of Hearts getting last minute notes from director Tim Burton.


22. 盧貝松 (Luc Besson) 正在測試《第五元素》中的燈光。

Director Luc Besson testing the light for The Fifth Element.


23. 雪歌妮薇佛 (Sigourney Weaver) 在《魔鬼剋星》中被攻擊的模樣。

The iconic scene Sigourney Weaver is attacked in Ghostbusters.


24. 雷利史考特 (Ridley Scott) 拍攝《異形》時做最後提醒,但約翰赫特 (John Hurt) 臉上蓋著一隻應該覺得超不舒服…

John Hurt not appearing to be bothered by the facehugger on his face while Ridley Scott gets the shot ready in Alien.


25. 麥特戴蒙 (Matt Damon) 拍攝《絕地救援》中。

Matt Damon getting handy for a scene in The Martian.


26.《人造意識》女主角艾莉西亞薇坎德 (Alicia Vikander) 正在跟導演艾力克斯嘉蘭 (Alex Garland) 討論細節。

Ex Machina actor Alicia Vikander going over the scene with director Alex Garland.


27. 阿諾史瓦辛格 (Arnold Schwarzenegger) 接受魔鬼終結者的妝容。

The Terminator himself Arnold Schwarzenegger getting his face prosthetics applied.


28. 《華爾街之狼》用360度的視角創造出所有人忙碌的樣子。

The tracks to create the fast paced 360 degree scene for The Wolf of Wall Street.


29. 導演托比霍坡 (Toby Hooper) 拍攝最後一幕的《德州電鋸殺人狂》。

American director Toby Hooper shooting the final and scary scene of Texas Chainsaw Massacre.


30. 基奴李維 (Keanu Reeves) 跟雨果威明 (Hugo Weaving) 在《駭客任務》中的經典畫面。

Keanu Reeves and Hugo Weaving shooting at each other in The Matrix.




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