
1. Ellen DeGeneres跟她的老婆Portia de Rossi在比佛利山莊的豪宅裡的鞋櫃看得出他們對衣著的不同品味。    2. 艾爾頓強擁有非常龐大數量的墨鏡收藏,最早來自於70年代,多到都能夠開展覽了。 廣告1   3. Brooke Shields在格林威治的家裡有個超大的衣櫃,甚至還有移動式

January 31, 2016

1. Ellen DeGeneres跟她的老婆Portia de Rossi在比佛利山莊的豪宅裡的鞋櫃看得出他們對衣著的不同品味。 

Ellen DeGeneres and her partner Portia de Rossi share a closet in their Beverly Hills home. As you can see, they have decidedly different tastes in footwear.


2. 艾爾頓強擁有非常龐大數量的墨鏡收藏,最早來自於70年代,多到都能夠開展覽了。

Elton John has been amassing a huge sunglasses collection since the mid seventies, so he clearly needs a closet to display them all at his English estate.


3. Brooke Shields在格林威治的家裡有個超大的衣櫃,甚至還有移動式鞋櫃跟梯子。

 Brooke Shields' Greenwich Village home has a massive closet, complete with a rolling shoe rack and library ladder.


4. Khloe Kardashian非常重視衣櫃的整齊,她曾說「我一定會把衣櫥中的衣服按照顏色排好,這樣子出門時找衣服會比較快,衣服也會看起來比較乾淨。」 

Khloe Kardashian has strong feelings about closet organization. "I would not have my closet any other way but color coordinated," she said in an interview. “It makes getting dressed in the morning much easier, and makes your closet appear much cleaner.”


5. Steve Wynn 的衣櫥色調是以拉斯維加斯的沙漠為概念,他的領帶收藏數量驚人。

Steve Wynn has a closet designed with tones of the Las Vegas desert sand, which perfectly shows off his massive collection of ties.


6. Ashley Tisdale超愛穿高跟鞋,也擁有超多雙高跟鞋,但是除此外她也搜集Nike的球鞋。

Ashley Tisdale loves high heels and has plenty in her closet, but she also collects Nike sneakers.


7. Olivia Wilde 把家裡的客房改造成了衣櫥,改造後的模樣相當豪華也非常適合她!

Olivia Wilde transformed her guest room into a closet, and the finished result is super plush and perfect for her amazing wardrobe.


8. Kristin Cavallari曾是真人秀明星,她會按照衣服的種類分別收納,每種衣服都有專屬的收納空間。

Kristin Cavallari, former reality star, organizes her closet by garment, storing each of them in their respective spaces.


9. Jennifer Hawkins曾當選環球小姐,他有個超大的衣櫥跟一堆鞋子!

Jennifer Hawkins, former Miss Universe, has an amazing walk-in closet for her extensive wardrobe.


10. Kaley Cuoco的衣櫥是由三個房間打通的空間。

Kaley Cuoco's closet is comprised of three rooms -- yes, three.


11. 天后瑪莉亞凱莉如果沒有個像樣的衣櫥就有失她的身份了,她的衣服和鞋子都有屬於自己的展示空間,而且她擁有好幾百雙的鞋子。 

Mariah Carey is larger-than-life, so it makes sense that her closets would be too. She has all of her clothing and shoes on display, and she owns hundreds of pairs of stilettos.


12. 潔西卡艾芭的跟其他人相較下顯得小巧可愛,但她就喜歡這種放鬆的感覺。 

Jessica Alba has a custom closet with personal touches, as she loves to make her space her own.


13. 菲姬家的衣櫥藉由打通兩間房間的牆而建造而成,她和老公將這個空間稱為「菲姬之地」。

Fergie's closet was created by knocking down the wall between two rooms, and her husband has lovingly dubbed it "Fergieland."


14. Eva Longoria的衣櫥有一堆鞋子跟品牌衣物,她還有約50件牛仔褲。 

Eva Longoria has an amazing closet full of shoes and designer garments, including 50 pairs of jeans.


15. Ralph Lauren的衣櫥宛如時尚模特兒的更衣室,裡面裝滿各種長靴。

Ralph Lauren's closet is appropriately posh, housing his dapper wardrobe and many pairs of riding boots.


16. Jada Pinkett Smith的衣櫥比較簡單,但是依然有非常驚人的鞋子蒐藏。

Jada Pinkett Smith's closet keeps it simple, but it still shoes off her amazing shoe collection.


17. Jamie King的衣櫥麻雀雖小五臟俱全,裡面有好多看得讓人欽羨不已的皮件。

Jamie King's closet isn't huge, but it's incredibly well organize and shows off her enviable wares.


18. C. C. Sabathia 的衣櫥根本就是一家商店啊!

C. C. Sabathia had custom cabinetry built to show off his extensive show collection.


19. Paula Abdul的衣櫥佔地460平方公尺,每件物品都排放的非常整齊。除此外還有龐大的高跟鞋蒐藏。

Paula Abdul has a 5,000 square foot closet in her home, with each item numbered and organized accordingly. She also has a huge heel collection; unsurprising, considering the singer is just about five feet tall.


20. 麥莉的衣櫥具有獨特的品味,就像她給人的印象一樣。

Miley Cyrus' closet is equal parts feminine and peculiar, kind of like the star herself.


21. Rachel Zoe超愛搜集鞋子,他的衣櫥簡直就是所有戀鞋癖的夢想園地。 

Rachel Zoe loves her shoes, and her closet is a shoe-lover's ultimate fantasy.


22. Donny Deutsch有個客製化鞋櫃,中間還設置了讓人能夠貼心換鞋子的小沙發。 

Donny Deutsch has a custom closet space for all of his shoes, along with an incredible pony hair bench in the middle to sit on when putting them on.


23. 歐普拉的衣櫥非常大但卻又非常整齊,就連T恤都是按照顏色排好的。

Oprah Winfrey's closet is grandiose and hyper-organized -- even her t-shirts are organized by color.


24. Jimmy Choo’s的創辦人Tamara Mellon的衣櫥中當然有各式各樣Jimmy Choos的鞋子啦!

Jimmy Choo founder Tamara Mellon has a closet full of, well, Jimmy Choos.

25. 克莉絲丁有兩個大型衣櫥,其中一個專門用來放鞋子,她將鞋子以品牌分類,還必須用梯子才能構到上層的物品呢!

Christina Aguilera has two giant closets, one dedicated entirely to shoes. She organizes them by designer, and has a library ladder to be able to reach them all.


26. Nicky Hilton的衣櫃裝滿各式名牌鞋跟超過200件包包。 

Nicky Hilton has a massive walk-in closet, which houses her hundreds of pairs of designer shoes and 200+ handbags.


27. Kimora Lee Simmons將兩間房間打通改造成衣櫥,但他絕對需要這麼大的衣櫃空間,因為他有500件牛仔褲、35個柏金包跟一大堆珠寶蒐藏。 

Kimora Lee Simmons combined two actual bedrooms in her home to create her closet. She definitely needs it: The mogul has over 500 pairs of jeans, 35 custom Birkin bags, and a huge jewelry collection.


28. Jamie-Lynn Sigler曾說過在她把衣櫥整理得井井有條之前她常會發現放了好久沒穿的衣服,甚至有些連吊牌都還沒拆呢!

Jamie-Lynn Sigler, former star on the Sopranos, has a custom closet to keep her stuff organized. "For years I have not been able to find anything in my closet," says Sigler. "Now I see all my clothes shoes and accessories, even some stuff I completely forgot I had .. with the tags still on them!"


29. Jillian Harris曾出演過真人秀《單身女郎 (the Bachelorette)》,把一整個房間都拿來放衣服。

Jillian Harris, former Bachelorette, has an entire room dedicated to her clothing.


30. 芭黎絲·希爾頓衣櫃中的鞋子數量多如繁星!

Finally, Paris Hilton's closet has exactly as many shoes as you would have guessed.

來源:Life Buzz


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