
1. 放了10年的M&M巧克力贩卖机…   2. 被掩埋在雪底下的圣诞节灯饰。 廣告1   3. 火灾警报器的内部原来只是个这么简单的开关!   4. 比萨斜塔的内部。 廣告2   5. 麦当劳的这幅挂画… 廣告3   6. 披萨店把烤盘也外送到府了!   7. 这款辣酱的主成分第一项

February 9, 2016

1. 放了10年的M&M巧克力贩卖机…

These M&Ms that have been sitting there for 10 years.


2. 被掩埋在雪底下的圣诞节灯饰。

These Christmas lights still glowing from under the snow.


3. 火灾警报器的内部原来只是个这么简单的开关!

The inside of a fire alarm, which is just a simple switch.


4. 比萨斜塔的内部。

The inside of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, which is hollow.


5. 麦当劳的这幅挂画…

This picture in a McDonald's that was hung sideways.


6. 披萨店把烤盘也外送到府了!

This time Papa John's left the cooking plate in the pizza.


7. 这款辣酱的主成分第一项竟然是别牌辣酱 (Frank’s Hot Sauce)!

This hot sauce that has another company's hot sauce as its first ingredient.


8. 砖墙外面还覆蓋著假的砖墙!

This real brick that someone covered with fake brick.


9. 这8颗葡萄融合成1个了!

These eight grapes that fused into one.


10. 这座拉什莫尔山 (总统山) 的复制品长得不太像…

This replica of what Mount Rushmore was supposed to look like.


11. 旅馆的书架精确地为这几本书打造!

This hotel room bookshelf that was built for these exact books.


12. 骰子底下有另一颗骰子。

This die that cracked to reveal another die hidden underneath.


13. 这间拉面店的内部故意设计得像在户外!

The inside of this ramen bar that looks like it's the outside.


14. 一叠新钞的旁边是张数一模一样的旧钞。

A stack of brand new money next to a stack of the same number of used ones.


15. 他的拐杖穿了小鞋子!

This man's walking stick that is wearing a little shoe.


16. 这不是巧克力甜甜圈,是某种菇类!

This mushroom that looks just like a giant chocolate doughnut.


17. 磁铁的吸力竟然冲破包装了!

These magnets that ripped out of their package and connected with the ones next to it.


18. 小写的逃生门告示。

This lowercase exit sign.


19. 因为有灯照比较温暖而幸存的一小撮红叶!

These leaves that have stayed on the tree because the light gives them warmth.


20. 这马克杯原本是亮粉马克杯,丢进洗碗机之后才被发现底下是神力女超人的图案!

This glitter mug that went through the dishwasher and revealed a Wonder Woman mug underneath.


21. 这间寿司餐厅不小心把寿司随身碟的照片放在菜单上了。

This sushi restaurant accidentally put a picture of USB sushi on its menu.


22. 雀巢的Crunch巧克力棒,在你把CRUNCH切成INCH (U剩下最右边那杠) 的时候,长度刚好是1英尺 (inch)!

And a fun-size Nestle Crunch bar that when cut to say "INCH" measures one inch.



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