
1. 這隻長得超像熊貓的法國鬥牛犬。   2. 這隻狗狗叫Bull,獸醫認為他可能有喀邁拉現象,也就是由兩種動物的受精卵合在一起的個體。 廣告1   3. 這是隻可愛的斑點臘腸犬。   4. 這一隻狗狗也是變種狗,他原本的毛色應該是黃色。 廣告2   5. 這隻狗狗天生的斑點會讓看到

February 1, 2016

1. 這隻長得超像熊貓的法國鬥牛犬。

A French bulldog that resembles a panda.


2. 這隻狗狗叫Bull,獸醫認為他可能有喀邁拉現象,也就是由兩種動物的受精卵合在一起的個體。

This yellow lab is Bull. His doctor thinks he may have chimera, which is a mutation where an animal is genetically two animals.


3. 這是隻可愛的斑點臘腸犬。

This cute dappled dachshund pup that's looking right at you.


4. 這一隻狗狗也是變種狗,他原本的毛色應該是黃色。

Another example of the mutation showing black spots on yellow labs.


5. 這隻狗狗天生的斑點會讓看到他的人都忍俊不禁。

This little guy has an unusual birthmark that probably makes everyone giggle.


6. 這隻牧羊犬的三色毛看起來真的太耀眼了!

A tri-toned fur coat that's too ravishing to look away from.


7. 這隻狗狗的毛色完美融入雪地之中。

This remarkably unique dog with a pattern and colors that goes perfectly well with the snowy wildlife.


8. 這隻大麥町的斑點讓人眼睛一亮。

This gorgeous freckled dalmatian.


9. 這隻紅棕色毛的狗狗身上夾帶著白毛。

This orange-brown dog with hints of white all over.


10. 穿了黑靴子的柴犬!

An attractive foxy colored shiba inu with forever black boots on.


11. 這隻哈士奇不僅有異色瞳,毛色也很奇特。

This striking husky with two different eye colors and some interesting bangs going on.


12. 這隻小狗的毛皮讓人心中充滿了愛。

This cute little guy with a birth mark you won't forget.


13. 這隻狗狗的毛色被稱作「大理石」(merle)。

This beautiful dog is a merle, which gives him patches of color.


14. 這幾隻馬地犬幼犬的毛皮十分特別。

These beautiful rare mudis are a Hungarian herding breed.


15. 這隻狗狗看起來有點像蒙面俠蘇洛。

This dog that looks like it's ready to commit crime.


16. 這隻狗狗的毛皮讓他看起來很像獵豹。

This dog with spots that make it look like a cheetah.


17. 這隻狗狗的眉毛看起來很無辜!

This cute dog with eyebrows always looks like he's questioning you.


18. 這隻羅威那犬看起來真的超帥氣的啊!

This handsome rottweiler that has vitiligo, which causes depigmentation.


19. 這隻臘腸犬有兩種截然不同的毛色。

A two-toned dachshund of two complete opposite colors.


20. 年紀輕輕就畫超重眼線的小哈士奇!

A pup that will forever have winged eyeliner.


21. 這隻有白化症的狗狗身上還有可愛的橘色斑點。

This stunning albino dog with orange freckles is too cute.


22. 非洲野犬的花紋看起來很美,但他們也很危險。

African painted dogs, they're bewitching but dangerous.


23. 這隻叫Zoe的伯恩山犬幾乎是黑白兩色。

This is Zoe - the Bernese mountain dog that has the best of 2 worlds.


24. 這隻可愛的小狗狗臉上的黑色紋路長得很有趣。

This lovable little guy with some black markings on his face.


25. 這隻狗狗的耳朵還有漂亮的漸層。



26. 這隻小可愛看起來好像長了鬍子。

An oreo-toned dog that mustache you a question.


27. 這隻狗狗不但毛色超特別,還有超濃眼線!

This majestic dog with spotted eyeliner eyes you'll always remember.


28. 這隻可愛的雙色巴哥犬。

An adorable two toned pug pup.



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分類:世界, 動物
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