
1. 史蒂芬·賈伯斯 (Steve Jobs)   有一次連續幾個禮拜,賈伯斯只吃一種類型食物,就是蘋果和胡蘿蔔。據悉,他當時吃太多胡蘿蔔,導致皮膚變成橘色。   2. 尼古拉斯·凯奇 (Nicolas Cage)   尼古拉斯·凱吉只吃他認為「交配時沒那麼激烈」的動物,包括魚及鳥類。他認為豬交

October 31, 2015

1. 史蒂芬·賈伯斯 (Steve Jobs)

Steve Jobs would only eat one type of food, such as carrots or apples, for weeks at a time. He reportedly ate so many carrots at one time that his skin turned orange.


2. 尼古拉斯·凯奇 (Nicolas Cage)

Nicolas Cage  only consumes animals that he judges as mating in a ‘dignified way.’ He explained himself, saying “I actually choose the way I eat according to the way animals have sex. I think fish are very dignified with sex. So are birds. But pigs, not so much. So I don’t eat pig meat or things like that."


3. 斯蒂芬·金 (Stephen King)

Author Stephen King always eats a slice of cheesecake before he sits down to write.


4. 貝多芬 (Beethoven)

According to Beethoven, only a cook with a pure heart could prepare a pure soup. One of his favorite dishes was a mushy bread soup with 10 large eggs stirred in that he ate every Thursday. He inspected the eggs himself by holding them to the light and cracking them open with his hand. If the eggs weren’t fresh, Beethoven would call in his housekeeper and pelt her with them.
據說,貝多芬深信只有「心是純潔的廚師」才能夠煮出純潔的湯。他每個星期四都會喝一碗糊麵包湯 (Mushy Bread Soup) 加10顆蛋。他還會親自檢查並把蛋打下湯裡,如果他發現雞蛋不新鮮,他會把不新鮮的雞蛋砸到他的管家身上。


5. 查爾斯·達爾文 (Charles Darwin)

Charles Darwin was so intrigued by the animals he discovered, that he ate most of them. These included iguanas, armadillos, giant tortoises and owls.


6. 法西斯主義創始人貝尼托·墨索里尼 (Benito Mussolini)

Benito Mussolini believed that eating was an activity which you had to devote your complete attention to, and you should not eat in front of others. After being diagnosed with a stomach ulcer, his new diet consisted of fruit and up to a gallon of milk a day.


7. 美國前總統傑拉德·福特 (President Gerald Ford) 

President Gerald Ford ate cottage cheese covered in A-1 sauce and ketchup everyday for lunch.


8. 美國福特汽車的建立者亨利·福特 (Henry Ford)

Henry Ford considered his body a machine and thought of eating as merely a practical activity. He experimented with eating wild weeds, collecting them from random places outside. They were usually lightly boiled or stewed, and he would eat them on sandwiches.


9. 休·海夫納 (Hugh Hefner)

Hugh Hefner only eats meals from his personal chef at the Playboy mansion, even when he takes ladies out to restaurants. He says “[The models] pick from the menu,but I have lamb chops and a baked potato sent in from the mansion, so [my meal] is set.”


10. 金正日

Kim Jong-il established an institute of top doctors and scientists to design a diet meant to increase his lifespan. They began inspecting every grain of his rice by hand to make sure it was perfectly shaped, and Kim insisted the rice be cooked over a wood fire using trees cut from Mount Paektu, a legendary mountain on the border of China.


11. 臉書創辦人馬克·祖克柏 (Mark Zuckerberg)

in 2011, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg said “The only meat I’m eating is from animals I’ve killed myself.” After announcing this on his private page, he also posted “I just killed a pig and a goat.” His hunting trend ended after a year.


12. 霍華·休斯 (Howard Hughes)

Howard Hughes suffered from OCD, and this showed in his eating habits. He always gave bizarre instructions to his servants, including the way they opened cans of food. He also ate a regimented menu, usually a medium-rare butterfly steak with 12 peas of the same size. If any of the peas were too big, he sent them back.

來源:The Chive


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