
在 2015 年 2 月,一隻名叫吉茲墨 (Gizmo) 的四個月大小馬在路邊被發現。當時的他十分虛弱,已處於死亡邊緣。 Facebook / Catley Cross Veterinary Clinic   乍看之下,根本是一頭羊啊!   吉茲墨馬上被送往凱特立十字獸醫診所 (Catley Cross Veterinary Clinic) 急救,

August 20, 2015

在 2015 年 2 月,一隻名叫吉茲墨 (Gizmo) 的四個月大小馬在路邊被發現。當時的他十分虛弱,已處於死亡邊緣。

In February of 2015, a four-month-old colt named Gizmo was found lifeless in a roadside field. The poor creature had collapsed, and he was on the brink of death.


吉茲墨馬上被送往凱特立十字獸醫診所 (Catley Cross Veterinary Clinic) 急救,當時的他幾乎無法移動或呼吸,還受體溫過低、肺炎和其他健康問題所苦。但工作人員發現,這隻小可憐一點也不想死。

Gizmo was immediately taken into the care of Catley Cross Veterinary Clinic. He could barely breathe or move, and he suffered from hypothermia, pneumonia, and other health issues. However, the staff saw surefire signs that he didn't want to die.



Gizmo had a long road to recovery, and his medical treatment was costly. Thankfully, kind strangers donated thousands of dollars to help Gizmo get the care he desperately needed.




The staff fell deeply in love with Gizmo as they provided him with a slew of medical treatments. Through constant bandaging and blood transfusions, to antibiotics and a new diet plan, Gizmo's strength began to re-build.



Gizmo absolutely loved the attention from his family of two-legged heroes...



...And he even learned to socialize with other horses!



Earlier this month, Gizmo was permanently adopted by the Halstead veterinary clinic.


現在還多了錦上添花的喜事:吉茲墨贏得了「英國防止虐待動物協會」(RSPCA) 小馬駒級別的冠軍, 並在 Equifest 馬展上得到冠軍,成為英國防止虐待動物協會的「年度救援馬」。

And now, the icing on the cake: Gizmo won both his youngstock RSPCA class and the championship at this year's Equifest, earning him the crown for RSPCA's rescue horse of the year.



The judges were blown away by Gizmo's rags-to-riches story. Six months after this foal was found starving, abandoned, and laying lifeless on death's door, he's now surrounded by so much love and triumph.


凱特立十字獸醫診所的獸醫卡羅琳 (Carolyn Wyse) 表示:「我以為有一名裁判在嘲笑他得到冠軍,但他其實是在啜泣,最後評審們都走過來說恭喜。」

Carolyn Wyse, veterinary surgeon at Catley Cross Veterinary Clinic told Horse & Hound, "I thought one judge was laughing in the championship but he was sobbing. They all came up and said congratulations. [Gizmo] slept all the way home and is having a very well deserved morning in the field."


來源:Little Things.com


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