
1. 大多数的松鼠都很怕人类,但这只小松鼠Sneezy却一点都不怕。   2. 一名宾州州立大学的学生Mary Krupa就跟Sneezy成了好友,时常会因为特定节日而帮他穿上不同的节庆服饰。 廣告1   3. 你现在听Sneezy一定觉得他是”一只”松鼠,但错了,Sneezy其实是4只松鼠

July 28, 2015

1. 大多数的松鼠都很怕人类,但这只小松鼠Sneezy却一点都不怕。

Most squirrels are terrified of humans, but that is not the case for Sneezy. Sneezy the squirrel has been befriended by students on Penn State's campus and gets dressed up or put in crazy situations in celebration of holidays or for campus events. Sneezy doesn't seem to mind the attention, and the students of Penn State have grown to accept Sneezy as somewhat of an unofficial mascot. Sneezy is actually a group of four different squirrels who take turns playing the character depending on which will cooperate for the day.


2. 一名宾州州立大学的学生Mary Krupa就跟Sneezy成了好友,时常会因为特定节日而帮他穿上不同的节庆服饰。

53731 746743805368251 2138851844678378577 o College student befriends a squirrel on campus and pimps out its wardrobe (26 Photos)


3. 你现在听Sneezy一定觉得他是”一只”松鼠,但错了,Sneezy其实是4只松鼠。

10887203 839485702760727 4601308078043711408 o College student befriends a squirrel on campus and pimps out its wardrobe (26 Photos)


4. 他们会轮流打扮,看谁有空就谁玩Cosplay。

1071284 573002139409086 84353474 o College student befriends a squirrel on campus and pimps out its wardrobe (26 Photos)


5. 学校的学生也很自然的把他们4个当成是学校的吉祥物。

1401762 639385142770785 874012033 o College student befriends a squirrel on campus and pimps out its wardrobe (26 Photos)



1450780 626615847381048 89522784 n College student befriends a squirrel on campus and pimps out its wardrobe (26 Photos)


7. 在校园里看到穿上衣服的小松鼠,应该会乐到不想上课吧?

1779085 688248957884403 1588167673 n College student befriends a squirrel on campus and pimps out its wardrobe (26 Photos)



10427994 882232128486084 1863096342400412607 n College student befriends a squirrel on campus and pimps out its wardrobe (26 Photos)



10468030 772414156134549 8479868882919022888 o College student befriends a squirrel on campus and pimps out its wardrobe (26 Photos)



11082438 890155844360379 1258115610415759231 n College student befriends a squirrel on campus and pimps out its wardrobe (26 Photos)



11099545 927806340595329 2102609882013118528 o College student befriends a squirrel on campus and pimps out its wardrobe (26 Photos)


12. 我猜这应该是7月4日吧?

11713684 939180299457933 2797183676510940487 o College student befriends a squirrel on campus and pimps out its wardrobe (26 Photos)



costume squirrel whisperer sneezy nary krupa 2 College student befriends a squirrel on campus and pimps out its wardrobe (26 Photos)



costume squirrel whisperer sneezy nary krupa 9 College student befriends a squirrel on campus and pimps out its wardrobe (26 Photos)



costume squirrel whisperer sneezy nary krupa 27 College student befriends a squirrel on campus and pimps out its wardrobe (26 Photos)



costume squirrel whisperer sneezy nary krupa 29 College student befriends a squirrel on campus and pimps out its wardrobe (26 Photos)


17. 想到有人会特别花时间来打扮这些松鼠,真的太好笑了。

costume squirrel whisperer sneezy nary krupa 32 College student befriends a squirrel on campus and pimps out its wardrobe (26 Photos)



costume squirrel whisperer sneezy nary krupa 37 College student befriends a squirrel on campus and pimps out its wardrobe (26 Photos)



costume squirrel whisperer sneezy nary krupa 42 College student befriends a squirrel on campus and pimps out its wardrobe (26 Photos)



costume squirrel whisperer sneezy nary krupa 43 College student befriends a squirrel on campus and pimps out its wardrobe (26 Photos)



costume squirrel whisperer sneezy nary krupa 50 College student befriends a squirrel on campus and pimps out its wardrobe (26 Photos)


22. 「请拯救我们的地球」

costume squirrel whisperer sneezy nary krupa 52 College student befriends a squirrel on campus and pimps out its wardrobe (26 Photos)



costume squirrel whisperer sneezy nary krupa 55 College student befriends a squirrel on campus and pimps out its wardrobe (26 Photos)



costume squirrel whisperer sneezy nary krupa 56 College student befriends a squirrel on campus and pimps out its wardrobe (26 Photos)








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分類:世界, 动物
加入粉絲團! 这名学生跟校园的小松鼠变成了好友后,每次一到节日时就会帮他们打扮。留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友