
這是Hailey Ashmore與她的服務犬Flynn! Hailey Ashmore / Instagram    16歲的Hailey自從Flynn還是小寶寶就開始與他相依為命! Hailey Ashmore / Instagram 廣告1   當然,他們彼此可說是「一見鍾情」,馬上就成為形影不離的死黨! Hailey Ashmore / Instagram  

July 11, 2015

這是Hailey Ashmore與她的服務犬Flynn!

This is Hailey Ashmore and her service dog, Flynn.
Hailey Ashmore / Instagram



Hailey has had Flynn since he was an itty-bitty puppy.
Hailey Ashmore / Instagram



Needless to say, it was love at first sight.
Hailey Ashmore / Instagram


Hailey告訴媒體她平時的生活並不容易,她必須面對癲癇、鬆皮症 (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome)、 姿勢性直立心搏過速症候群 (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) 、反應性低血糖 (Reactive Hypoglycemia) 、許多不同過敏原、胃輕癱 (Gastroparesis) 、氣喘與更多其它問題。

Hailey also struggles with several conditions. “I have epilepsy, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, reactive hypoglycemia, severe allergies, gastroparesis, asthma, and more,” Hailey told Fetching Apparel.
Hailey Ashmore / Instagram



Flynn isn't just a friend — he is Hailey's service dog. Flynn can sense when Hailey is going to have a seizure before it happens. This gives Hailey time to respond, get help, and find a safe place.
Hailey Ashmore / Instagram



One day, Hailey was visiting her dad at work. When she arrived with Flynn, a staff member could not resist how adorable he is. They began to pet him, ignoring the giant "STOP" sign he wears. "I immediately told him to stop [petting Flyyn],” Hailey told the Dodo.
Hailey Ashmore / Instagram 



"The only time somebody should ever approach Flynn and I is if I am unconscious and/or having a seizure. Besides that, nobody should try to pet or get near him. I wish people could understand that's what the giant stop sign patch means. If somebody distracts him I can get seriously hurt. If you see a service dog in public please educate your children, your friends, your family, anybody else that they are doing a really important job. Thank you."
Hailey Ashmore / Instagram



While Flynn was distracted from the petting, Hailey had a seizure. “I am used to him giving me 10 minute warnings, so when he alerted that’s what I thought I had,” explained Hailey. “Out of nowhere I remember the world going black. I woke up with Flynn on top of my legs and my father cradling my head. On the whole left side of my face there was a terrible sting that made me tear up.”
Hailey Ashmore / Instagram 



Hailey woke up with rug burns on her head.
Hailey Ashmore / Instagram



"My service dog is my lifeline. I don't say that to be cute. He helps keep me alive just like life support. If he gets distracted this happens. If he gets distracted I can die. Do not pet service dogs. Do not call to service dogs. Do not taunt service dogs. Do not talk to service dogs. Do not do anything to service dogs. Thank you," she wrote on Instagram.
Hailey Ashmore / Instagram 



Many of us are so eager to connect with animals, we often forget that they are protecting their human. Let's learn something from another's mistake and be more mindful of other people's animals!
Hailey Ashmore / Instagram



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分類:世界, 動物
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