
还记得小时候算的那些超不合理的数学问题吗?「A有39颗苹果,他把4颗苹果分给B的话,他还有几颗苹果?」相信大家一定都是边算边想「到底谁会有那么多颗苹果啊?!」对吧…?   今天我们就来带大家看看,这些人真的把数学课本上的问题都变成真的了…   1. 题目

June 10, 2015




1. 题目:小明有25颗凤梨,如果他不见2颗,请问还有几颗?

"Derrick has 25 pineapples. If he gives away two of them, how many does he have?"


2. 题目:小华买了15袋6公斤的海绵,请问他有几公斤重的海绵?

"Coach J buys 15 12-pound bags of cheese puffs for Coach P. How many ounces is that?"


3. 题目:小英买了200颗很漂亮的草莓,她如果吃了3分之2还剩下几颗呢?

"Jamie finds 200 'perfectly good' strawberries in the garbage. How many will be left after she eats two-thirds of them?"


4. 题目:每袋网球有30颗球,请问5袋网球究竟有几颗球呢?

"Andrea has five bags of tennis balls, each containing 30 balls. How many does she have overall?"


5. 题目:今天出门不小心看到一台都是香蕉的货车,如果我吃了15串请问还有几串?

"Sven Breathmint Jr. comes across a van filled with bananas. If he eats 15 bunches, how many are left?"


6. 题目:这一车的果汁如果把其中5罐拿去换10瓶美粒果,请问要喝多久才会喝到吐呢?

If Gloria Estefen M.D. lends her friend 75% of these bottles of juice, how much is left?"


7. 题目:尼克最喜欢空腹吃番茄,每吃10颗就会拉一次肚子,他有78颗的话,请问尼克最少会拉几次肚子呢?

"Bunsen Purell has 78 tomatoes. If he eats at a pace of one tomato per hour, how long will it be before he eats all of them?"


8. 题目:请问最少需要几颗西瓜、才有办法活埋一个小男孩呢?

"A literal baby boy awakens to find the room filled with fruit. How does he dig himself out?"


9. 题目:小明从来没有办过派对,所以他决定一次买400瓶汽水,因为他觉得这样应该够,请问到了隔天会剩下几瓶汽水呢?

"Jesús has never thrown a party before and thinks it's OK to buy 400 bottles of soda. How many bottles will he have left over?"


10. 题目:每15罐可口可乐上面就有一罐写着「北鼻」,这个男的最少要买几罐才可以搜集到6罐「北鼻」送给他男友呢?

"A mysterious man is planning mysterious things with Coke bottles. How much Coke does the mysterious man need for three people?"


11. 题目:杰克的女朋友一大早想喝夜市的西瓜汁,于是杰克就去买了一卡车西瓜,请问可以榨成几杯西瓜汁呢?

"Rabbi Dan has a trunk full of watermelons. What?"


12. 题目:如果你帮爸爸买西瓜他说要1颗你却听成要11颗,请问你要拿掉几颗才不会回家被爸爸打呢?

"If your dumbass stepdad buys 12 watermelons and that dumbass decides that he wants 11 instead, how many does his dumb ass need to get rid of?"


13. 题目:今天被甩了。要摔几个马克杯心情才会变好呢?

"Ariana Grande (OFFICIAL) is buying mugs. You want one?"


14. 题目:一条吐司可以做5个三明治,请问要把金正恩撑死需要几条吐司呢?

"Math McGuire just bought a ton of bread. How many slices until he feels like himself again?"


15. 题目:昨晚雨势太大,只好选择停车在路边过夜。隔天早上醒来,发现身边的爱人不见了,取而代之的是一堆凤梨香蕉。请问到底是谁,是谁这么狠心呢?

"You wake up one morning to find 25 bananas and 13 pineapples in the place where your lover once lay. Who...did this?"


16. 题目:请问4的16次方颗西瓜打4折是6万元,那请问一颗西瓜原价是多少呢?

And finally: "Peter J. Bong has 35 watermelons. Does anyone really need that many?"



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加入粉絲團! 16张照片证明:考卷那些夸张的数学题目「小明买了25颗凤梨请问他…」原来都是真人真事!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友