
无论是角色的身材比例或是头发,迪士尼毕竟是卡通,所以当然会和现实有落差,最近兴起的一股风潮,就是将这些「完美」的公主们打回原形!而这次我们就要带你看看,如果公主们的五官变成了真实比例,会是什么样子呢?  1. 《冰雪奇缘》(Frozen) 的艾莎少了娃娃脸的话R

June 10, 2015


1. 《冰雪奇缘》(Frozen) 的艾莎少了娃娃脸的话…

elsa realistic face
thenamelessdoll:</p> <p>Jumped from Photoshop to After Effects and it was MUUUUCH harder to do this edit while the character is moving! X,,D Like… DUCK! I’m not doing that again any time soon! :o But it was an interesting exercise! (OBS! May be edited when the remaining wobbliness starts driving me bonkers) </p> <p>More animated ladies with “realistic” proportions (because why not):</p> <p>Elsa, Anna, Rapunzel, Mother Gothel, Honey Lemon, Aunt Cass, Colette, Merida, Roxanne, Susan, Linda, Mavis OBS: These edits were created simply to give me a chance to practice my manipulation/anatomy skills. Nothing more, nothing less. They are NOT meant to be “better than the original” or “what it should have looked like”, or serve as a general negative critic on the respective movies’ animation styles!  </p> <p>(How come that every time I work with Elsa the post/video gets it’s own life and runs away from me like a rebellious teen?! X,D)Anyway: Some followers thought it was hard to compare the original with my edit so I threw together a side-by-side. :P Quite a dramatic difference compared to the other edits I have done. :o And it is interesting to see how the trigger for the “uncanny-valley” effect varies SO MUCH from person to person. Like so many of you, I don’t feel it at all here, while others do and therefor can’t stand this edit. But at the same time some people are like “her eyes are still too big”, etc. I wonder if there are studies on this (on why the audiences’ reaction varies so drastically).  
作者Roosa Karlsson说,她认为需要让大众知道什么叫做真正的「美」。迪士尼的角色即使刻划得完美无暇,但就算没有了这些世俗认为「美丽」的特征 (像是小脸、大眼睛…等等),这些女生们应该也还是要很美才对啊!就像现实生活中的我们每一个人一样!


2. 《魔发奇缘》(Tangled) 的乐佩。

rapunzel realistic face


3. 安娜好像变得很路人耶。 

anna realistic face


4. 不过,《勇敢传说》(Brave) 里头的梅莉达反而变有神了!

merida realistic face


5. 《大英雄天团》(Big Hero 6) 的哈妮蕾梦 (Honey Lemon):

honey lemon realistic face


6. 《魔发奇缘》 (Tangled) 的葛索妈妈 (Mother Gothel):

mother gothel realistic face 



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