
1. 奥勒冈聚集世界各地成千上万的信徒,都是为了印度的精神领袖奥修,而奥修每天都会开着劳斯莱斯来看他的信徒。    2. 伦敦一名女孩在德军空袭之后,从断岩残壁中被救出,她脸上得救的笑容,不用解释了吧。 廣告1   3. 1960年的亚特兰大国际机场当时正在测试

July 24, 2015

1. 奥勒冈聚集世界各地成千上万的信徒,都是为了印度的精神领袖奥修,而奥修每天都会开着劳斯莱斯来看他的信徒。 

Spiritual Leader Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (Osho)  driving a Rolls Royce through a crowd of followers in Oregon. He did a daily drive-by to greet his dedicated followers, who came from all over the world to see him.


2. 伦敦一名女孩在德军空袭之后,从断岩残壁中被救出,她脸上得救的笑容,不用解释了吧。

A girl  being assisted in London, after being rescued from a damaged building caused by a German bombing raid. Clearly, nothing could stop her from smiling.


3. 1960年的亚特兰大国际机场当时正在测试新开发的安全门。

Testing a new  security machine at the Atlanta airport in 1960.


4. 麦可杰克森为了躲避狗仔而特地乔装,只为了和奥斯卡女演员塔图姆 (Tatum O’Neal) 约会。

Michael Jackson in an awkward disguise, trying to go incognito on a date with Tatum O'Neal.


5. 一张毁坏的底片显示了著名的南极探险家薛克顿 (Ernest Shackleton) 在阿拉斯加拍的影像。

A photo from damaged camera negatives of Ernest Shackleton's expedition in Alaska.


6. 非常久远的照片!伊莉莎白和玛格丽特公主在玩具木马上合照。

A very early photo of Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret, riding their rocking horse.


7. 一只可爱的小狗在进驻捷克的俄罗斯士兵之间取暖。

An adorable puppy keeps warm and cuddly  between Russian soldiers in Czechoslovakia.


8. 法国走钢索大师菲利普 (Philippe Petit) 当时正要走过曼哈顿上空。

Philippe Petit, a tightrope walker, going for an early stroll through -or should we say over - lower Manhattan.


9. 1941年,这只叫维纳斯的斗牛犬在皇家海军母舰的窗边悠哉著。

The mascot of the Royal Navy destroyer HMS, Venus the Bulldog, keeps it casual outside of a window in 1941.


10. 1937年,一群人带着他们的木制冲浪板在夏威夷合照。据说当时这种冲浪板每个至少重45公斤以上。

1937 surfers pose in front of their awesome wooden surf boards in Honolulu, Hawaii. This was before the advent of fiberglass boards, and these often weighed more than 100 pounds.


11. 这是在柏林围墙还没倒塌前拍的,一名东德士兵正想送给对面的人一朵花。

When the country was still divided, someone took this shot of an East German guard passing a flower through the gap in the Berlin Wall.


#12. 1800年代的一个旅人在日本的森林间漫步。

An 1800's traveler, making his way through the forests of Japan.


13. 网坛姊妹花大小威廉丝小时候与雷根总统夫妇的合照。

A very young Serena and Venus Williams posing for a photo with former president Ronald Reagan and first lady Nancy Reagan.


14. 青少女在火车上尝试抽菸是什么感觉,当时她门甚至还会偷渡到学校。


15. 1907年,一台蒸汽船正准备在密西西比河靠岸。

Steamboats chugging along on the Mississippi River in 1907.


16. 两个小女孩穿着和服在游玩。1887年摄。

Japanese girls hanging out in beautiful kimonos in 1887.


17. 美国副总统拜登1973时在宣誓的样子。

Joe Biden taking his oath of office as senator in 1973 by the bedside of his son Beau. Beau Biden passed away in May 2015 from divain cancer.


18. 这两名祕鲁小子非常知道怎么在镜头前秀出自信!

Two children from Cuzco, Peru, have their (very dignified and awesome) portrait taken.


19. 一名火箭飞人在1984年的洛杉矶奥运开场典礼上赢得全场的目光。

A jetpack rider stealing the show at the opening of the LA Olympics in 1984. 



20. 演员小山米戴维斯 (Sammy Davis Jr) 在拍摄原版《瞒天过海》时的经典花絮照。

A test image of Sammy Davis Jr from the original "Ocean's Eleven" in Las Vegas. After filming the final scene, a camera man asked to get a shot of the guys standing in front of the Sands marquee. The image became iconic.


21. 1957年,一名妇女在苏联的运输机上休息。

A woman resting inside a Soviet passenger plane in 1957.


22. 老牌演员范朋克 (Douglas Fairbanks) 在纽约市中心把卓别林整个人举起来。

Douglas Fairbanks holding up a triumphant-looking Charlie Chaplin in the middle of New York City.


#23. 芝加哥小熊的中外野手瑞克 (Rick Monday) 从抗议民众手中抢过了美国国旗,阻止国旗被烧毁。


24. 巴黎发生灾难性的大洪水,有民众拍到一只北极熊在洪水退去之后卡在水道口。

During the Paris flood of January 1910, a polar bear got stuck in his flooded enclosure.


25. 一名女士正在使用这个老式电话,这种电话是在1907被发明的。

A woman chatting on a hand crank telephone.


26. 爱尔兰共和军正在首都都柏林街头巡逻。

Members of the IRA patrolling the streets of Dublin, Ireland.


27. 1920年,两名男人在双翼飞机上打网球。

Two men in 1920, playing tennis on the wings of a bi-plane.


28. 号称是美国棒坛最伟大的球员之一贝比鲁斯 (Babe Ruth) 为了追一颗外野球时撞到墙壁而昏迷过去,5分钟之后他醒了过来,在之后的比赛有杰出表现。

Babe Ruth lying unconscious after running into a wall while chasing a fly ball. He regained consciousness five minutes later - and got two more hits in the game.


29. 1953年5月29日,纽西兰探险家艾德蒙 (Edmund Hillary) 与尼泊尔的丹增 (Tenzing Norgay) 在攻顶珠穆朗玛峰时的合照。

A photo from the first successful ascent to Everest's summit on May 29, 1953. The photo depicts New Zealand explorer Edmund Hillary and Nepali sherpa Tenzing Norgay.


30. 这款老式机器人是德国的发明,有帮忙点菸、以及用不同语言回答问题的功能。

This robot used to be inside a German department store. He could light cigarettes, and answer questions in different languages.  




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