
在美國紐約的一間餐廳,一位名為麥可 (Mike) 的先生,在用餐後,即便只吃了1330元台幣 ($43.5美元) 的餐點,他依然留下了高達92240元台幣 ($3,000美元) 的高昂小費。   會有此發想是因為:這位女服務生已經替他們服務一整年了,是個很棒的人。然而,他卻聽聞服務生說她

May 3, 2015

在美國紐約的一間餐廳,一位名為麥可 (Mike) 的先生,在用餐後,即便只吃了1330元台幣 ($43.5美元) 的餐點,他依然留下了高達92240元台幣 ($3,000美元) 的高昂小費。

Here's what the note read: </div><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<div>"Thank you for your kindness and humility. My teacher in middle school had such a difficult experience a few years ago which has sparked me to do this. My only requirements are:</div><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<div>1) Go to ReesSpechtLife.com and learn!</div><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<div>2) Don’t let “Pay it forward” end with you.</div><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<div>3) Since it’s about the idea and not about you, or me, if you decide to share this, don’t use either of our names!</div><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<div>Thank you for being around for all of my shows on and off Broadway. I hope that someday someone gives as much love and happiness into the world as you do.</div><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<div>-M"</div><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<div>You see, this random act of kindness was inspired by this man's former school teacher, Ray Specht, who started the ReesSpecht Life foundation. Ray created this foundation in honor of his late son, Rees, who passed away in an accident at only 22 months old. Amidst the pain of losing a child, he knew that passing along happiness through random acts of kindness was the best way to honor his son.  He lays it out perfectly on his website by saying, “Help us help each other. Let’s all work together and do the small things that make a big difference.”</div><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<div>To the man who left this large tip, we applaud your generosity in helping out your server who truly needed the money due to a recent eviction notice. Acts of kindness like this, both big and small, can go such a long way. I think we can all agree to raise our glasses to this man.


1. 去ReesSpechtLife.com這個網站然後學習!
2. 繼續把這份愛傳下去。
3. 既然這是關於理念,非關妳我。如果妳要分享出去,那請別用我們倆的名字。
謝謝妳在我外百老匯 (Off Broadway) 演出時都一直陪伴我,我希望有天會有個人跟妳一樣,對這世界貢獻出這麼多的愛和幸福。


小費單後頭所留下的那個網站,是他中學的科學老師所創的,這位老師瑞奇 (Rich Specht) 在2012年時22個月大的小兒子不幸溺死後,發起了這個呼籲大眾行善做好事的網站、還有「把愛傳下去」的計畫。


來源:Business Insider


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加入粉絲團! 這名男子闊氣地留了9萬元小費給服務生,背後原來是「善」的蝴蝶效應!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友