
修圖這件事情,除了現代人會用Photoshop來讓照片變得更美以外,其實在很久以前就已經有人在做這件事情了,就算是看起來可信度很高的歷史照片也不例外。 廣告1 每次看到歷史照片,我們都從來不會懷疑它的真實性,但以下要告訴你,這些照片可能也不盡真實呀! 1. 政治家約

February 17, 2015




1. 政治家約瑟夫 (Joseph Goebbels) 因為不明原因被從希特勒的照片中移除。

Joseph Goebbels was removed from this photographer of Adolf Hitler for unknown reasons.
Business Insider


2. 金正恩的姑丈張成澤 (Jang Song-thaek) 在被處以死刑後,便從照片中被刪除了。

Even family isn't safe from North Korea's Kim Jong-un. His uncle, Jang Song-thaek, was removed from this photograph after he was executed by his nephew's order.
Business Insider


3. 邱吉爾 (Winston Churchill) 嘴上的煙被除去了,因為煙被視為不健康的行為。

Winston Churchill's cigar was removed after smoking was deemed unhealthy.
Kings of War


4. Leon Trotsky因為支持反對派而被列寧 (Vladmir Lenin) 從照片中刪除。

Leon Trotsky was removed from this photograph after being denounced by Vladmir Lenin for siding with the opposition.
Business Insider


5. 一張前美國總統格蘭特 (Ulysses S. Grant) 的好肖像不易取得,因此這張照片是用了3張不同的照片合成的。

A good portrait of Ulysses S. Grant was hard to come by, so this image was made up of three different Grant photographs.


6. 尼古拉葉若夫 (Nikolai Yezhov) 本來是史達林的貼身護衛長,但之後因為被認定不忠於蘇聯而將他從照片中刪除。

Nikolai Yezhov was Joseph Stalin's head of secret police. Much less secret is his removal from this photograph after proving disloyal to the leader of the Soviet Union.
Business Insider


7. 林肯這張照片的身體其實是前美國副總統John Calhoun的。

Abraham Lincoln's body in this photograph is actually that of John Calhoun.


8. 中國共產黨早期的領導人之一的博古因為和毛澤東意見相左、於是也被從照片中刪除了…

Senior leader of the Chinese Communist Party Bo Gu was removed from this photograph after having a falling out with founding father of the People's Republic of China, Mao Zedong.
Business Insider


9. 墨索里尼 (Benito Mussolini) 照片中的馴馬師被移除了,以顯現領袖的氣勢和獨斷的形象。

Benito Mussolini's horse handler was removed from this photograph to make the dictator appear to be more of striking, independent figure.
Chillout Point


10. Grigoriy Nelyubov因為酒後不當的行為而被踢出了Sochi Six組織、並從照片中移除。

Grigoriy Nelyubov was chosen to be part of the "Sochi Six," a group of Soviet cosmonauts who were to explore space. Nelyubov was removed from the photographer after he was removed from the program for alcohol-related misconduct.
Business Insider

來源:Business Insider



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